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  • Filter default values related to Date Range filter in program will be displayed as system date's fiscal year.
  • In accordance with a periodic working, "Totals" tables are updated. While monthly totals are kept in Stock, G/L, Service, AR/AP, Bank totals tables, user will be able to access month and year info of the relevant total through "Year" info added after starting to work as periodic.
  • Balance values will be displayed as total of system date's fiscal year in G/L account cards window.
  • Date info will be added in G/L Account Summary windows and the relevant data will be accessed by years.
  • In AR/AP, Safe Deposit and Bank Account Summary windows, the first line will be "previous period balance" for each year after start year of working period. Previous period balance gives the balance of the previous year. If working period starts during interim period, data recorded from interim period to year-end will be listed for the first year, and annual data will be listed for the following years.
  • It is provided to list previous period balances in the chart of accounts by giving previous period date in Chart of Accounts Balance Year option added to Administration/Definitions/General Ledger parameters. 
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