Project definition form opens with Projects browser > New button. The following information is entered in this form.


The code of the project in the system. It is a mandatory field.


The description or name of the project.

Auxiliary Code

It is a secondary coding group that is used to group the projects. It is an alphanumeric field of 10-character long. It is used by users to group templates by company-specific criteria.

Authorization Code

It is used for detailed authorization definition. It is a field of 10-character long. Each user can use different records depending on their job definition. Authorization Code allows users access to the records on project basis.


You select from the AR/AP definitions of Customer or Customer + Supplier type.


You select from the sectors of the selected customers. If only a single sector is linked to a customer, it is shown in the field automatically.

Work Group

Work group of the project is selected. This field opens Work Groups browser where you can select the relevant group or make a new one. See. Work Groups

Icon Short Code

You use this field to designate the short code by which you want the project to be displayed in Project Portal tree. You can enter a maximum of 2 characters in Icon Short Code field. If you save without entering icon short code, icon short code will be the first two characters of the Description info.

<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="319697b9-1687-428c-b197-c50a08e7f848"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[

Icon Color Code

You use this field to designate the color code by which you want the project to be displayed in Project Portal tree. The color that you select in Color Selection window is transferred to the field. If you save the project without entering icon color code, system assigns the default [R=0, G=204, B=204] code.



Employee, who is responsible of the project, is entered. This field opens Employees browser where you can select the relevant employee card or make a new one.

Organizational Unit

Organizational Unit to which the project is related is entered. This field opens Organizational Unit Definitions browser where you can select the relevant unit.

Target Warehouse

Target warehouse is the unit where the material / service / asset that will be produced or acquired as the result of the project will be used. This field opens Units browser where you can select the relevant warehouse.

Source Warehouse

Source warehouse is the unit where the materials (input materials) that will be utilized in the projects will be used. This field opens Units browser where you can select the relevant warehouse.

Project Type

The project type is specified. This field opens Project Types browser where you can select the relevant definition.

Transfer Project Info

This option is used to transfer project information to the system. The options are Transfer from Template, Import from MS Project and Import from Primavera.


Template that will be used in the project is selected. This field opens Templates browser where you can select the relevant definition.

Start Date

Project start date is entered.

Resources to Be Transferred

This option determines which template information will be transferred to the project card. The options are All, None, Group Members and Resource.

If "All" is selected, resources, asset and personnel lines belonging to the Asset and Employee group of the project template are identically transferred to the project activity.

If "None" is selected, none of the resources in the template are transferred to the activities.


If "Group Members" is selected, resources belonging to the project template lines of Asset and Employee Group are transferred to the activities in the quantity that is specified in the template. Asset and Personnel lines are not transferred.

If "Resources" is selected, Asset and Personnel lines of the project template are transferred to the activities. Resources belonging to the lines of Asset and Employee Group types are not transferred.

Import from MS Project

If project information should be imported from MS Project, project file is selected in Project File field that will be active once Import from MS Project box is checked.

Import from Primavera

If project information should be imported from Primavera, project file is selected in Project Name field that will be active once Import from Primavera box is checked.

When you save general project information by clicking Continue button, a project record window opens to save detail information.

Project Detail Information is recorded under the following tabs:

  • Activities
  • General
  • Costs
  • Planned Overheads
  • Actual Overheads
  • Pert Diagram
  • Other
  • Notes

Work Place

Work place where project will be conducted is entered. Location info is entered by the user.

Completion Rate

It is the completion rate of the project. Completion rate is significant in case the project consists of multiple activities and the other activities depend on the completion of this step.

Alarm Status

The options are Low, Medium, High and Urgent. If you use Project Portal, your selection will be shown in Project Detail page for informative purposes.