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The Exchange Rate Difference Voucher can be issued automatically through the exchange rate difference calculation transaction, or by entering data directly. The fields and functions of the window are:

Slip No: Exchange rate difference vouchers have subsequent numbers as in other slip types. Exchange rate difference voucher numbers entered by the user or generated automatically by the application are assigned automatically following the number of the previous voucher in the system.

Date: When the exchange rate difference voucher is recorded by the user, the date of the working day is automatically displayed on this field. When the voucher is generated by the application instead, the calculation date specified on the filter line is transferred into the field.

Arrangement Date: The arrangement date of the slip. The arrangement date info is used for BA and BS Forms. This date is taken into consideration when the user selects "According to Form Arrangement Date" option at BA and BS Forms data import filter line.

Aux. Code: The Aux. Code of the exchange rate difference voucher.

Authorization Code: The authorization code of the user.

Project Code: The project code of the slip. Defined projects are listed, and the appropriate definition is selected.

Division: When the exchange rate difference voucher is recorded by the user, the central division or the authorized division of the user is displayed as default on this field, and can be changed if necessary. When the exchange rate difference voucher is calculated automatically instead, and if only one division is selected on the Division Number filter during calculation, such division number is transferred into the slip. If more than one division is selected, the division of the generated exchange rate difference voucher is equal to the first selected division.

Department: The exchange rate difference calculation is not performed by department. The department field of the exchange rate difference voucher should be equal to the department default for which the user is authorized. The value can be changed if necessary.

AR/AP Code / Title: The code and title of the AR/AP for which the exchange rate difference is calculated.

Trading Group: Indicates the trading group of the transaction. If a trading group is specified for the AR/AP, the specified group is automatically inserted into the field, and can be changed if necessary.

Description: If line descriptions are entered into the filters of the exchange rate difference calculation, all the lines of the exchange rate difference voucher display the same description.

Exch. Rate Difference Currency Type: Indicates the exchange rate difference currency type. When the exchange rate difference voucher is issued directly, the currency types are listed, and the related currency type is selected.

F. Currency: When the exchange rate difference calculation is performed automatically, this field displays the foreign currency type used in the exchange rate difference calculation for the AR/AP.

Debit and Credit: The fields used to record debit or credit amounts depending on the transaction type.

Debit/Credit in F. Currency: Indicates the debit or credit in foreign currency depending on the transaction type.

VAT Rate / VAT Amount: Indicates the VAT rate applied to the transaction, and the VAT amount calculated using this rate. The VAT Rate specified in Finance Parameters is displayed as default.

Transaction Aux. Code: Used to group slip lines, filter a group of information during report generation, and to display the totals of grouped information. This field can be used to record any necessary information for which a field is not assigned but required to be added to the slip line by the user.

Attention: The transaction aux. code on the line is different from the aux. code located at the top of the slip. The aux. code located at the top is a code pertaining to the slip bottom, while the transaction aux. code is used to group transactions.

Receipt No: The receipt number of the transaction. This field is used to specify the receipt number of the transaction when more than one document is entered into the same slip.

Project Code: The project code of the transaction in the line. Defined projects are listed, and the appropriate definition is selected.

Will Affect Collateral Risk: This option is checked if the transaction will affect the collateral risk of AR/AP.

Group Company Transaction: Used to indicate if the transaction in the line is a group company transaction or not, in case of using the consolidation feature. If AR/AP which is selected in slip or invoice is related to a group company, this field is checked automatically.

Description: When exchange rate differences are calculated automatically, the slip description at the date of exchange rate difference calculation is transferred automatically into the description field of the exchange rate difference voucher, and can be changed if necessary.

Affects Risk: This option is checked if the transaction will affect the total risk of AR/AP.

Associating Exchange Rate Difference Slips with Import Operation Slips and Reflecting on Distribution Slips as Import Expense

AR/AP exchange rate difference slips can be associated with import file, transferred to the import distribution slip and reflected to the material costs as expense on import file basis. Import File Order Number, Distribution Type (File Order Number), Import File Code, Import File Name fields located on the slip lines are used to associate the exchange rate difference slip with the import file.

Import file is selected from the Code and/or Description fields. If distribution will be performed based on the import file order number, it is specified in Distribution Type field, and the relevant order number is selected from the Import File Order Number field.

The relation between the Exchange Rate Different Slip and the Import Operation Slip can be displayed by the Import History menu option located in the Import Operation Slips > F9 - right mouse button menu.

When the Import Operation Slip which is associated with the Exchange Rate Difference slip is selected from the Import > Transactions > Distribution Slip, the relevant Exchange Rate Difference slips are listed in the Surcharge to Distribute grid.

When the distribution slip is saved, exchange rate difference lines are distributed to the import operation slip expense and it affects the material cost. If the exchange rate difference slip is credit balance, it has cost-increasing effects. If the slip is debit balance, it has cost-decreasing effects. If the exchange rate difference slip amount is credit balance, it increases the import expense and the Exchange Rate Difference is displayed as Credit in Distribution Slip. If the slip amount is debit balance, it decreases the expense, and the Exchange Rate Difference is displayed as Debit in Distribution Slip.

The Exchange Rate Difference slips which are not distributed by the import distribution slip cannot be removed, and the user is warned when attempted to delete the slips.

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