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If material quantities resulting from material procurement require material slips generated in Planned status to be updated, the update is performed as in the following example:


Required material: A

Alternative material: A1

Alternative material: A2

Warehouse requiring the material: Warehouse X
Warehouse containing the material: Warehouse Y

Assuming that 100 units of material A are required and that warehouse inventories are as follows:

10 units of Material A in warehouse X, and 5 units in warehouse Y

2 units of Material A1 in warehouse X, and 20 units in warehouse Y

11 units of material A2 in warehouse Y.

When warehouse X issues a purchase order for 52 units of material A,

The first status of planned slips indicates that 100 units of material A are to be used on 01.01.2001.
After the procurement operation, a Warehouse Slip should be generated to transfer the materials in warehouse Y to warehouse X.
WH Transfer Slip

Destination warehouse


Source Warehouse


Material Code / Name


Material A

5 units

Material A1

20 units

Material A2

11 units

In this way, 36 units of material A are transferred from warehouse Y to warehouse X. The Planned Usage Slip is updated as follows:

Planned Usage Slip 



Material Code / Name


Material A

67 units (10 units from X + 5 units from Y + 52 units ordered)

Material A1

22 units (2 units from X + 20 units from Y)

Material A2

11 units (From Y)


100 units

In this way, 100 units of material A that are required and related alternatives are procured from warehouse X, and a Usage Slip with Planned status is generated.


100 orders are issued for the material teminym1 of company number 4.

The input temintm1 is withdrawn from the raw material warehouse. Let's assume that teminalt1 and teminalt2 are alternatives of temintm1, and that teminalt1 and teminalt2 are used on a one-to-one basis for original material requirements 1 to 20 and 21 to 150 respectively.

Assume that Use Only One Type of Alternative is selected for temintm1 in the bill of material of teminym1. Let's also assume that 50 units of temintm1 and 120 units of teminalt1 and teminalt2 are purchased in the raw material warehouse. 50 units of both temintm1 and teminalt2 are used to procure materials for this Production Order.

If Use Only One Type of Material was selected on the BOM, only teminalt2 would have been used since the total requirement would be attempted to be delivered using the same material type.


Let's assume that the alternative good of company number 6 is alternative rawmaterial1 and Use Only One Type of Alternative is selected in the bill of material. Let's also assume that alternativerawmaterial2 and alternative rawmaterial3 are alternatives of alternative rawmaterial1 and that alternativerawmaterial2 and alternatifhammadde3 are used for original material requirements 1 to 49 and 50 to 150 respectively.

Assuming that 50 units of original material and 120 units of each alternative material are in stock; 50 units of alternatifhammadde1 and alternatifhammadde3 are used when materials are procured by issuing 100 Production Orders for alternative products.

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