Purchase transactions are tracked as of the order stage in j-Guar application. Supplier orders are recorded with payment information by Company. Thereby companies can keep track of payment and collection information along with the delivery durations for orders with prepayment campaigns.

It is important to perform payment transactions as soon as the order is placed in order to monitor and report the payments and payment methods regarding the purchase order. It is also important to relate a payment plan to the orders and perform payment transactions accordingly in orders with prepayment and installment purchase to ensure automation.

Payment Transactions Default for Purchase Order Slips

Purchase order slips must be saved by checking the "Prepayment" option in order to relate the order to a payment plan and generate the payment transactions. Prepayment default value is specified for purchase order slips in System Settings module > Administration Default Values and Parameters > Purchasing Management window. User's selection is transferred to the order slips by default.

If the "Prepayment" option is selected in Payment Type filter under Purchasing Management Defaults tab, the Prepayment checkbox appears as selected and payment transactions are generated while saving the order slip. The "Payment/Collection Transactions" tab located in Order slips is used to track the payment transactions generated according to the conditions specified in payment plan and applied to the order or order lines. Payment information can be modified when required.

Order slip or slip line payment transactions are listed by date, amount and payment type information in the Payment/Collection Transactions tab.

While generating payment transactions, the "Method of Combining Payment Transactions in Slips" parameter in System Settings > Purchase Management Defaults and Parameters > General heading is considered.

Payment/Collection Transactions

Slips of the payment transactions are generated according to the payment method. The payment method is determined by the payment type option located in the following windows.

  • AR/AP record > Business Info tab
  • Payment plan lines
  • Order record > Payment/Collection Transactions tab

When an AR/AP is selected, the payment type specified in the AR/AP record is transferred to the order slip automatically. If another payment type should be selected for the slip, it can be changed under the Payment/Collection Transactions tab in order slip.

When a payment plan is selected for the order slip, the relevant payment type specified in the payment plan is transferred to the slip by default.

Transactions recorded for the slips of Prepayment type are listed in Debit/Credit Tracking window accessed through the Attached Records menu, and they can be closed in this window.

Totals of the sales orders in Draft, Confirmed and Cancelled status do not affect the AR/AP totals, and no matching transaction is performed for the relevant order transactions in debit tracking window. Orders in Approved status affect the AR/AP totals and the relevant order transactions can be matched in the debit tracking window. 

The "Delay Payments" and "Generate Payments (Collections)" options become available in the right click menu of Purchase Orders in Approved status. The payment transactions generated by the Generate Payments (Collections) option is used to close the orders in Debit/Credit Tracking window.

Transferring the Orders of Prepayment type to the Receipt/Shipment Slip/Invoice

In order to transfer the purchase orders of Prepayment type to the receipts, shipment slips or invoices, the "Transfer Order" or "Transfer Order Transaction" options located under the Operations menu of shipment slip or invoice.

  • Orders saved with Prepayment or without Prepayment cannot be transferred to the same receipt or invoice.

The "Transfer Order Transaction" option is used to transfer orders over the order transactions. The relevant transactions required to be on the list are specified in filter lines. In order to transfer the orders of Prepayment type, the Prepayment option must be selected in the Payment Type filter line in Order Transfers window. Thereby the orders of Prepayment type will be listed and the relevant order records can be selected.

  • When the orders with prepayment are transferred to the receipt or invoice, the payment transactions generated for the relevant order are also transferred, and they cannot be modified over the dispatch or invoice. When the orders transferred to the shipment slips are billed, the payment transactions will not be modified either.
  • The quantity and unit price information of the receipts or invoices transferred to the orders cannot be changed.
  • When the order with prepayment is transferred to the invoice, the unit price cannot be updated with unit price update transaction.

Orders with Prepayment in Batch Transactions

Batch Dispatch Billing, Batch Order Billing and Batch Dispatch Generation can be performed only if the payment type filter is selected as Prepayment.

The "Apply Campaign to Sales Order" menu option located under Operations menu cannot be used for the orders with prepayment and orders closed in Debit/Credit Tracking window.

The "Update Purchase Orders by New Materials" menu option located under Operations menu cannot be used for the orders with prepayment and orders closed in Debit/Credit Tracking window.

While performing the "Realization of Purchase Demand Proposals" transaction located under the Operations menu in Purchase Management module, the Purchase Management payment type default value is taken into consideration for the order slips which will be generated for the demands with "Purchase Order" delivery type.