Sürümde Yer Alan Yenilikler

Key Product Public Description


The "Generate Automatic Allocation Slip After Asset Transfer operation" parameter has been added to "System Settings Default and Parameters/Asset Management/Parameters". The allocation transaction slip of the transfer transaction will be generated automatically when the asset transfer slip is issued when the parameter value is selected as Yes.


The "FUINFOCLC" function has been added to the sales/purchase campaigns formula definition. It is possible to define a formula that simultaneously provides multiple conditions for the parameters Specific in the "FUINFOCLC (a,b,c)" function.



The Include Exchange Rate Difference Invoices: Yes/No option has been added to the report filters of "Foreign Currency Totals" and AR/AP Currency Totals in "AR/AP/Info". It will be able to be determined according to this filter whether exchange rate difference invoices are displayed in the report or not. In addition, the type can be filtered by type for the records listed in the report through the "Transaction Type, Invoices, Bank Slips, Order Type, AR/AP Slips, Payrolls" options added to the report filters.


The "Check Transferred" filter has been added to "Finance Management/AR/AP Reports/AR/AP Extract" report. When selecting filter value "Print", a line of the balance information transferred to the AR/AP will appear.



It has been ensured that the exchange rate difference slips are also displayed in the report by the Include Exchange Rate Difference Slips parameter added to the "Debt Due Date Distribution Report" filters.


The lists of bank branches and enforcement offices have been updated.


The Remaining Amount option has been added to the Line Coloring table in "Finance Management Definitions/ Checks and P.Notes" browser. Partially collected lines with the remaining amount of zero will be able to be colored using this option.


The Mark as Reversing Entry operation has been added to F9 menu options of G/L Slips (Main Chart of Accounts, Second Chart of Accounts, Third Chart of Accounts) browsers. The "Perform Reversing Entry" field of the slips will be marked when a transaction is started for the slips selected in browser.


It has been ensured that there is an e-Ledger user that is completed when selecting the "Period Closing Method: Org Unit Based" option in the Batch operation "Close Fiscal Period". It has been ensured that a separate slip is generated for the sub-units even if the e-Ledger is given in the Subsidiary Based e-Ledger in the company of the organizational unit.



The Batch Status Update operation has been added to the F9 menu options of the sales contracts and purchase contracts browser.



The Transaction Auxiliary Code filter has been added to the material type of G/L connection code.


The Calculation Start Date has been added to the filter options of the "G/L Exchange Rate Difference Calculation" operation. When the transaction as initiated, records earlier than the selected date in the filter will not be included in the transaction.


It has been corrected that the Organizational Unit info is displayed on the Asset Info Current Allocation Points screen.



The Update RC Exchange Rate While Fulfilling Demand and Update TC Exchange Rate When Fulfilling Demand parameters have been added to the "Default and Parameters/Demand Management/Parameters" options. When the order record is generated with the "Fulfill Demand" transaction, the exchange rate value to be used for the RC and TC amounts will be determined by the value selected in the parameter.



The Usage Slip has been added to the "Related Records" options in the F9 menu of the "Progress Payments" browser. The usage slip generated for the progress payment will be accessed through the View Mode.



It has been ensured that the title info of the AR/AP is displayed in the chart when clicking the "Proposal Evaluation/Proposal Prices" chart.



The "VAT Excluded Total" info of the proposals has been added to the Purchase Files Proposal Evaluation screen.



The Task Definition of Commission Members option has been added to "System Settings Definitions/Administration" heading. The tasks defined through this option can be selected for commission members of files and contracts in the Purchasing and Tender Management modules.



The Approximate Cost column has been added to the Purchase proposals and sales proposals browser in the Purchasing and Tender Management modules. The approximate cost proposal records can be distributed over this field.



The "Consulting Contract" and Construction Works Contract options have been added to the Contract Type field in the contracts.



The Delivery Proposals Approval Default has been added to "System Settings Default and Parameters/Demand Management/Defaults/General". Depending on the selection made, the default for the Approval field will be specified on Fulfill Demand Transaction - "Fulfilled from Stock/Warehouse Transfer Proposals" page.


The Change Status button has been removed for the journal and ledger cards.



It has been ensured that the penalty invoice is issued by the contract penalty conditions through the Issue Penalty Invoice operation added to the F9 menu of the progress payments. The amount of the invoice issued can be tracked via the "Penalty for Delay" field of the progress payment record. In addition, the penalty invoices can be accessed from the "Attached Records" options of the progress payments.



The Increase Info card has been added to the Administrative Specifications Info heading of the contracts. It is possible to increase the contract total with the increase items created by the user. It is also required to track the Increase Info in the Progress Payment Record and Transfer Info fields of the progress payments related to the contract.



It has been ensured that the "Purchase File, Purchase Tender, and Sales Tender" records of the "Tender Management" transactions can be tracked through the report of Approximate Cost Sheet. It will be possible to get the report by record type through the "Tender Type" option added to the report filters. 



The Pre-qualification Status field has been added to "System Settings Default and Parameters/Tender Management/Defaults". The default in Pre-qualification Status in Tender Management/Purchase Proposals will be specified according to the selection made in the field.



The Progress Payment Amount Control While Saving Progress Payment Parameter has been added to "Default and Parameters/Purchase (Sales) Management/Parameters/Invoice" to control the total amount in the generated progress payment invoices. In this case, the transaction will be stopped, the user will be warned, or the operation will proceed, depending on the value of the parameter when the progress payment amount and invoice total are not equal to each other.



It has been ensured that the default is displayed and changed on the Issue Penalty Invoice screen performed on the "Progress Payments" browser of the Penalty Deduction Rate/Amount Info entered in the purchase contract. It is also able to generate a penalty invoice except for the rate determined in the contract. 


The obligation control made in the Deduction Code field is removed when the deduction numerator and denominator are zero in the line and bottom of the e-Invoices of the deduction type.



Depending on the parameter in the purchase file in Approved status, the change of Unit Price can be done.

  1. System Settings/Defaults and Parameters/Purchase Management/Parameters/General 
  2. System Settings/ Defaults and Parameters/Tender Management/ Parameters/ General

When the "Update Unit Price Field in Approved Purchase Files" parameter added under the above titles is selected, "Yes";

  • The value in the unit price field will not be changed in an approved purchasing file with proposal status, "Order" or "Contract".
  • You can change the value in the unit price field in an approved purchase file in Proposal Status, Draft or Approved.


The following operations have been performed on the screen opened with the "Data Transfer/Import" option in The Material Slips browser:

  • Creating an Excel Template File
  • Importing through the Excel Template File when "Transfer Type: Excel" as selected


 The version has been updated as 20 by making the necessary arrangements on the Provisional Income Tax Declaration according to the announcement on 01.07.2022.


 The following codes have been added to the CTSP codes list.

  • The code list with 94.05 has been re-generated.

Sürümde Yer Alan İyileştirmeler

Key Product Public Description



It has been ensured that the transaction amounts in the FC type are displayed in the TC amount in the AR/AP Currency Totals report.



The Electronic Document control performed according to the invoice limits has been removed in the invoices generated as related to the import file.


The Demand Slip/Status Update, Purchase Request/Status Update, Sales Request/Status Update screens have been added to the form authorizations.



It has been corrected that no approval task is generated for the second condition when defining two different conditions in the approval definition.



It has been blocked to display the error message while fulfilling the remaining quantity after a certain quantity is delivered in the demand slips.



It has been ensured that the "Point of Use" value is selected as default in the Auxiliary Code card of the records, where multiple auxiliary codes can be defined, according to the field opened.



It has been corrected that the Amount info is blank when the "Asset Management Detailed Asset Report" is exported in Excel format.



It has been ensured that the users that are performing operations in the "Bank Accounts" tab in the AR/AP card are logged.



It has been blocked to reflect the canceled quantity in the delivery quantity when the "Do Not Ignore Delivery Method" is unchecked in Purchase Demands Demand Delivery operation.


The validation feature has been added to the corresponding account info fields of the AR/AP slips. It has been blocked to display the "Record with this code not found" warning.