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The report used to display depreciation tables in which revaluation increases are not processed according to inflation accounting. The filter options of the report are as follows:



Listing Method

By Code / By Description

Fixed Asset Code

Group / Range

Fixed Asset Description

Group / Range

Fixed Asset Status

Active / Passive

Fixed Asset Aux. Code

Group / Range

Fixed Asset Type

Group / Range

Vendor Code

Group / Range

Record Code

Group / Range

Purchase Dates

Start / End

Reporting Year

Year entry

Reporting Month

Month selection

Expired Depreciation Period

List / Do not list

Division Number

Defined divisions

Department Number

Defined departments

Fixed Asset Record Type Code

Group / Range

Fixed Asset Record Expense Location Code

Group / Range

Starting Info, Pre-Adjustment and Current Year Information is obtained from the related depreciation table (inflation accounting). Post-adjustment information is calculated by multiplying related columns with the adjustment factor. The adjustment factor is calculated by dividing the index at the adjustment date to the average index at the purchase date. The average index at the purchase date is calculated with the "index on purchase date + the index of the previous month)/2" formula.

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