It is possible to save and track the operations of all AR/AP in the system in the AR/AP Operation center via one screen. You can generate the invoice, bank, safe deposit, check/p. note slip operations on one screen easily.

All AR/AP in the system are displayed on the left side of the screen.

The operation options are located on the top of the screen. The purchase and sales operations, payment and money order operations, credit card operations, check/p.note input/output operations of the AR/AP are performed through the sales, purchase, AR/AP, bank, safe deposit and check p. note slip operations.

The filters are as below:

Organizational UnitGroup/Range

Organizational Units of Which Balance Will Be Displayed

AR/AP TypeCustomer/Customer+Supplier/Association
AR/AP CodeGroup/Range
AR/AP DescriptionGroup/Range
AR/AP Aux. Code 1-5Group/Range
Sector CodeGroup/Range
BalanceAll/Debit Balance/Credit Balance/Those Without Balance

There is a section where there are transactions related to the operation at the bottom right of the screen. The column headings in the field vary according to the operation type.