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Fixed Asset Purchase Operations

Fixed asset purchase transactions are recorded using Purchase Receipts or Purchase Invoices options located under the Transactions menu of the Purchasing section.

The invoice or receipt type for fixed asset purchase transactions is selected as material purchase invoice or material purchase receipt. The upper section of the Slip/Invoice is used to enter general invoice information. Information about the purchased fixed asset is entered on the lines. The line type is selected as fixed asset in order to enter fixed asset transaction information.

The stock code indicates the code of the purchased fixed asset. Defined fixed asset cards are listed and the related card is selected.

The description of the fixed asset of which the code is entered or selected is automatically transferred into the field. The unit, discount rate and VAT% fields display the information entered on the fixed asset card as default. The quantity of the purchased fixed asset is entered on the quantity field.

Fixed Asset Record Info

Record information of the purchased fixed asset is recorded using "Link to Fixed Asset" option located in the right mouse button.

The record window displays the information entered through the invoice in addition to information transferred as default from the card. The depreciation rate and duration are entered. The fixed asset code is assigned and recorded using "Assign Code" option.

Fixed Asset Expenses

Items that increase the fixed asset cost, in other words materials purchased in addition to existing fixed assets are recorded using the purchase receipts and invoices located under the Transactions menu of the Purchasing section. Unlike other purchase transactions, the line transaction on the invoice or receipt is linked to the fixed asset.

The line transaction is linked to the related fixed asset using "Link to Fixed Asset" option located in the right mouse button.

The fixed asset records list is displayed. The fixed asset related to the expense transaction is selected and linked to the line transaction. 
The amount of the expense transaction is displayed on the total expenses field of the fixed asset record window. The revaluation field of "linking" transaction is used to specify whether or not the expenses will be processed for revaluation.

If "Yes" is selected, the expense amount linked to the fixed asset record is displayed on the expenses revaluated column during depreciation calculation. "No" should be selected on the revaluation field if the expense transaction will not be processed in revaluation. In this case, the expense amount of the fixed asset is listed on the expenses not revaluated column of the depreciation and revaluation tables.

Fixed Asset Purchase Return Operations

Fixed asset purchase return transactions are recorded using Purchase Receipts or Purchase Invoices options located under the Transactions menu of the Purchasing section.

The slip type is selected as purchase return receipt or purchase return invoice on the Purchase Receipts or Purchase Invoices list.

The line type is specified as fixed asset on the invoice or slip lines. Then the fixed asset to be returned is selected using "Link to Fixed Asset" option located in the right mouse button menu. The quantity to be returned is entered on the quantity column, and the unit price is entered.

The returned fixed asset amount is listed on the loss of value column when the Depreciation and Revaluation table is generated.

Fixed Asset Sales Operations

Information related to fixed asset sales is recorded using the Sales Invoices option located in the Transactions menu of the Sales and Distribution section. The invoice type is specified as Retail or Wholesale invoice using Invoice Type option.

Information related to the sold fixed asset is recorded on the invoice lines. The line type should be specified as fixed asset for this transaction.

Then the fixed asset to be sold is selected using "Link to Fixed Asset" option located in the right mouse button menu. The quantity and the unit sales price of the fixed asset are entered on the quantity and unit price fields respectively. The total amount of the fixed asset sales is listed on the loss of value column when the Depreciation and Revaluation table is generated. The fixed asset record related to the sold fixed asset will not be processed in depreciation calculations starting from the year of the sales.

Fixed Asset Sales Return Operations

Fixed asset sales return transactions are recorded using Sales Dispatches or Sales Invoices options located under the Transactions menu of the Sales and Distribution section.

The slip type is selected as sales return dispatch or sales return invoice on the Sales Dispatches or Sales Invoices list.

The line type is specified as fixed asset on the invoice or slip lines. Then the fixed asset to be returned is selected using "Link to Fixed Asset" option located in the right mouse button menu. The quantity to be returned is entered on the quantity column, and the unit price is entered.

The returned fixed asset amount is listed on the loss of value column when the Depreciation and Revaluation table is generated.

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