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The Material Procurement option is used to specify the raw materials and semi finished products required for the production to be performed in accordance with the bill of materials, and how these materials will be procured. Material procurement is recorded through the production orders. The material procurement option is used if the status of the production order is "Not Started" or "Work in Process". The material procurement option is located in the right mouse button menu of the production orders list.
The Proposal Realization window where the materials to be used in production and the procurement types will be specified is opened when the production order is released for the first time and the material procurement proposal containing the required materials is selected.
The left pane of the window displays the material(s) to be procured. The right pane is used to specify the procurement method for each material.
Delivery Type: The field used to specify the material procurement method. Material deficits are fulfilled using one of the following options:

  • Fulfilling from Stock
  • Purchase
  • Production Order
  • Warehouse transfer

Fulfilling from Stock: Indicates that the material required for production will be procured from the inventory.
Purchase Orders: If the material procurement will be performed using purchase orders, the procurement information is recorded along with the order slip. When Purchase Order is selected, the purchase order slip is generated automatically.
The deficit quantity can be fulfilled with previous orders. In such cases, the recorded purchase orders are listed from the slip number and date fields, and the relevant record is selected.
Production Order: If the material will be procured through production, the procurement information is recorded using Production Orders option. In material procurement operations, the procurement operation is recorded with the production order, in addition to the warehouse transfer slip and purchase order generated by the program for the whole quantity to be procured.
 The production order generated by the program will be an unreleased production order. The release operation is performed by the user. A selection can be made from among the existing production orders instead of generating a new production order for the procurement operation. In such cases, only the production orders of which status is "Work in Process" or "Not Started" and the planned input from production date is before the procurement date, and for which the output relation is not established for the planned production quantity are released.
Warehouse Transfer: This option is used if the materials will be procured from another warehouse.
Slip No: The field used to record the slip number for new order slips or production orders, and to select the slip number for recorded orders and production orders. The order transactions are listed if the procurement method is order slip, or production orders if the procurement type is production.
Slip Date: If the recorded order slip or production orders are used, related records are listed, and the record to be used in procurement is selected.
Alternative: Yes / No: Indicates whether or not the material to be procured is an alternative material.
Material Code / Description: The material code.
Variant Code: The material variant code.
Transaction Quantity: The quantity of the material to be procured if the slip is generated for the first time. However, the user can change this quantity as necessary.
Transaction Unit: The unit of the material to be procured if the slip is generated for the first time.
Delivery Quantity: Indicates the portion of the total requirement delivered by the procurement method specified on the line.
Delivered Main Product Quantity: Indicates the procured main product quantity.
Bill of Materials Code: Indicates the bill of materials code specified in the selected production order if the selected procurement method is production order.
Revision Code: Indicates the revision code of the selected production order if the selected procurement method is production order.
AR/AP Code / Title: This field is used to enter the AR/AP information for the order if the procurement method is order.
Unit Price: The unit price of the procured material. A price is entered, or a selection is made from among the price options.
Unit Price In F.C: The unit price of the procured material in defined f. currency.
Approval Information: The field used to specify the order slip approval information if the procurement method is selected as purchase.
Slip Document Number: The document number of the order slip, production order or warehouse transfer slip.
Slip Aux. Code: The aux. code of the order slip, production order or warehouse transfer slip.
Slip Authorization Code: The authorization code of the order slip, production order or warehouse transfer slip.
Payment Type: The field used to select the plan definition specifying the payment method for the lines where purchase is selected as the procurement method. The payment / collection plans are listed, and the appropriate plan is selected.
Slip Type: It is used to determine slip type to be generated when material procurement type is selected as Purchase. It displays Purchase Order and Purchase Indent options. When Purchase Indent is selected, purchase indent is generated under demand management. Default value of slip type is specified in Production Control parameters option located in Administration module. Your selection is transferred to related slips as default. This value can be changed over slip when required.

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