The "Production Instrument" option in Asset (Real Estate / Equipment / Transport Vehicle / Other) cards > General Info tab must be checked to use any asset card in production.
Production information is filled automatically for assets and asset groups which will be used in production.

Duration in Queue

This field keeps duration spent in queue before production. It is a decimal number field and negative values cannot be entered. It keeps time in milliseconds.

Setup Duration

It indicates the duration spent while performing preparations before operation for the selected asset or asset group. It is taken into consideration while calculating production time.

Operation Batch

It indicates how many materials can be processed at once in asset or asset group. It shows how many units of materials can be processed by the asset selected in production card within the specified transaction duration.

Transaction Duration

It is completion duration of the operation for the asset. For instance, if the Operation Batch is 1 and Transaction Duration is 10 minutes, it means that the asset in line generates 1 good in 10 minutes. Thus, it affects the operation or work order duration. Operation batch and duration are used in production duration calculation. The application will consider operation batch and operation duration as a single unit, meaning that if an asset can process 10 goods in 10 minutes, it would not indicate that each good is processed in 1 minute. If production quantity is specified as 11, the production duration will be 20 minutes. If it is specified as 9, and production duration will be 10, instead of 9 minutes.

Transport Batch

It indicates how many units of goods the asset can be carry within the specified transport duration.

Transport Duration

It indicates how long the asset can carry a transport batch. Transport duration affects the duration of operation/work order and accordingly the production duration.

Minimum Interruption Duration

Minimum interruption time indicates minimum idle time which does not require re-setup after the operation/work order is started. If operation remains idle longer than the specified interruption time while it is running, re-setup is required.

Re-Setup Duration

When the operation is interrupted during / longer than Minimum Interruption Duration after the operation/work order is started, re-setup duration should pass before restarting.

Maximum Wait Duration

If multiple assets are defined in work order/operation, the relevant asset which will be used in production order planning is specified considering the maximum wait duration of each asset.