Materials which will be shipped with Shipment Transactions option are determined in shipment slip. Shipment transactions are generated through order transfer or by entering shipment lines directly with New option. 
The following information is shown in shipment transactions list.

Sorting Method

It is used to determine how materials will be listed in shipment transactions tab. The options are Material Code, Order Number, Date, AR/AP Code and AR/AP Title.

Line No

Line number is assigned automatically by the application, and it is not editable. It ensures listing material class details and set components under the main class/set line.


It is used to determine the effect of lines on load capacity. Included option appears checked by default. 

Set components of a Set Material cannot be changed. If the main set line changes, component lines are updated as well. 

Material class lines can be changed separately. However, if the main class line is changed, all sub lines are updated accordingly. If a material class is selected, at least one of its sub lines must be selected. If one of the material class sub lines is selected, the material class line is also selected automatically.


Indicates the types of the shipment material.

Material Code

Indicates the code of the shipment material/material class/material set.

Material Description

Indicates the description of the shipment material/material class/material set.

Variant Code and Description

Indicates the variant code and description of the configurable material.


Indicates the order quantity of the material. It is not editable.

Undelivered Quantity

Indicates the undelivered shipment quantity. The calculation method is: 

(Order Quantity-Delivered Quantity - Shipment Reservation - Shipment Quantity)

Delivered Quantity

Indicates the shipment quantity to be delivered. The undelivered shipment quantity appears as default value.


Indicates the shipment transaction unit. A unit can be selected from the other units of the material. However, this will update the undelivered quantity automatically in the selected unit. Order transaction conversion information is considered in unit conversions.

Net Weight

The net weight is calculated by multiplying the material weight in the relevant unit with the shipment quantity. The net weight for the material class is calculated by adding all sub lines. The net weight for the material sets is calculated for each component, however it is calculated over the unit set specified in the main material set line.

Net Volume

The net volume is calculated by multiplying the material volume in the relevant unit with the shipment quantity. 

The net volume for the material class is calculated by adding all sub lines. The net volume for the material sets is calculated for each component, however it is calculated over the unit set specified in the main material set line.

AR/AP Code / Title

Indicates the AR/AP code/title for the order or shipment line.


Indicates the date for shipment transaction.

Shipment Address Code and Description

Indicates the shipment address and address description.

Country / City / Town / District Code

Indicates the country, city, town and district information for the shipment.

Country / City / Town / District Name

Indicates the name of country, city, town and district used for the shipment.

Order Slip

Indicates the order slip number for the shipment transaction.

Order Slip Date

Indicates the order slip date of the shipment transaction.

Organizational Unit

Indicates the organizational unit of the relevant order.


Indicates the warehouse of the relevant order.


Indicates the department of the relevant order.

Reason for Not Shipping

Indicates the reason for not performing the shipment transaction.