Shipment information is recorded by using the New option in Shipment Slips browser. 
The transport vehicle, delivery route and other general information is entered in the upper section of Shipment Slip window. 
The relevant order records for which the shipment will be performed and the purchase return transactions to be performed in the same operation are recorded using the following options:

  • Shipment Transactions
  • Return Transactions

The following information is entered in the Shipment Slip definition window. 

Slip Number

The shipment slip record number. It is a mandatory field.


The shipment slip record date.

Auxiliary Code

Auxiliary Number is used to group shipment slips. Shipment slips are classified by the user's company criteria, and it can also be used to provide additional information for the slip.

Authorization Code

Authorization code is used to define detailed authorizations. Each user may be authorized to use different records depending on job definitions. Detailed authorization definition requires planning. First, the relevant slips and transactions and the users and/or user groups which will be able to access to these slips and transactions must be determined. Then different authorization codes must be provided for each authorization group. According to the authorization code specified in this field, the relevant slip will be accessible to the users/user groups of this authorization group.

Document Number

The document number attached to the shipment slip.

Organizational Unit

It indicates the organizational unit to which the transaction is related. This field is used to relate the shipment transaction to one of the divisions of the company.


Warehouse is a location where company goods or other goods serving several purposes (production, scrap etc.) are stored. Warehouses are determined based on company or division definitions. This field is used to determine the relevant warehouse of the shipment slip. Warehouse can be defined generally for the slip or for the lines separately. Thereby it is possible to record transactions for different warehouses of the specified AR/AP over a single slip.


Departments are activity or activity groups of a company that are grouped under organizational or accounting purposes. This field is used to relate the shipment slip to one of the departments of the company.

Transport Vehicle Code

The transport vehicle which will be used for the shipment is selected from the existing transport vehicle definitions.

Transport Vehicle Description

The name or description of the relevant transport vehicle which will be used for the shipment. This field can also be used to select the transport vehicle.

Salesperson Code

The code of salesperson who will conduct the shipment operation. The existing salespersons are listed and the required record is selected. The name and description of the salesperson selected in the Code field is displayed in Salesperson Description field automatically.

Maximum Customer Limit

The maximum customer number for the shipment transaction is specified in this field.

Loading Percent %

Loading percent indicates the load factor of the transport vehicle. 
Vehicle capacity and goods to be shipped by Shipment Slip are considered and loading percent is specified accordingly.

Out for Shipment / Return from Shipment Dates

Planned and actual dates for the Out for Shipment and Return from Shipment transactions are specified in the relevant fields.

Distribution Vehicle Capacity Info

Capacity (weight and volume) information of transport vehicle used in shipment slip is displayed in these fields. Values given in "Loaded" field belong to the material used in transactions and included in shipment, and it is calculated according to the weight-volume info entered in unit information of the material and material quantity. 

 Update Weight / Volume Info button updates weight / volume information in lines of which Included box is checked or unchecked in shipment transactions field.