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The G/L Codes window displays the lines of the Journal Slip resulting from the posting of Check/P. Note Slips as a table. The G/L Accounts that the transaction will be posted to and the transaction's Overhead Pool are entered on the G/L Code and Overhead Pool columns. The other columns of the table display the Debit and Credit amounts reflected to the G/L accounts of the slip.
The General Ledger Codes can be applied to the slip bottom or to the slip lines if the slip includes more than one material transaction. To do so, the following options located in the right mouse button menu of the General Ledger Codes window are used:

  • Apply G/L Codes (General)
  • Apply G/L Codes (Line)

Apply G/L Codes (General) option includes the following options:

  • Only Empty Codes
  • All Codes

When All Codes is selected, all specified on the G/L Codes window are applied to the transaction. When Empty Codes Only is selected instead, the correspondents of empty codes are applied to the transaction. When G/L codes are applied, the journal slip to be generated when the transactions are posted is displayed. If one of the transactions on the slip will be tracked with a different General Ledger Code, changes can be made.
When "Apply G/L Codes (Line)" is selected, the G/L Codes are applied only to the transaction of the selected line, and the Journal Slip resulting from the posting is displayed on the screen.

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