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Budget items info is recorded by allocation slip lines.

Output Budget Code: Output budget code stated in the upper side of the slip is transferred to this field automatically.

Output Account Code: Indicates the account that allocation will be done from. The recorded G/L accounts are listed by clicking on "..." icon, and the appropriate account is selected.

Output Appropriation Account Code: The appropriation account code belongs to allocation G/L account. The selected output account's budget appropriation account info (stated in account card) is transferred to this field automatically and cannot be changed.

Output Appropriation Transfer Account Code: The appropriation transfer account code belongs to allocation G/L account. The selected output account's budget appropriation transfer account info (stated in account card) is transferred to this field automatically and cannot be changed.

Output Account Analytic Code: Analytic code of output account. The analytic code stated in the account card is transferred to this field automatically.

Input Budget Code: Indicates the input allocation budget. The recorded budget cards are listed by clicking on "..." icon, and the appropriate budget is selected.

Input Account Code: Indicates the input account that allocation will be done to. The recorded G/L accounts are listed by clicking on "..." icon, and the appropriate account is selected.

Input Appropriation Account Code: The appropriation account code belongs to allocation G/L account. The selected input account's budget appropriation account info (stated in account card) is transferred to this field automatically and cannot be changed.

Input Appropriation Transfer Account Code: The input appropriation transfer account code belongs to allocation G/L account. The selected input account's budget appropriation transfer account info (stated in account card) is transferred to this field automatically and cannot be changed.

Input Account Analytic Code: Analytic code of input account. The analytic code stated in the account card is transferred to this field automatically.

Debit: It is the appropriation debit amount. When the account code is entered, the debit amount stated in the budget card is transferred in this field. The amount can be changed but cannot exceed the amount stated in the budget card.

Credit: It is the appropriation credit amount. When the account code is entered, the credit amount stated in the budget card is transferred in this field. The amount can be changed but cannot exceed the amount stated in the budget card.

When debit and credit amounts are entered, the periodic credit and debit amounts are generated by the program considering the period and duration info and displayed in the periodic debit / periodic debit fields of the slip.

When the allocation slip is saved, for each line, two revision slips are generated. If the allocation transaction is done for the budget items belonging same budget, the revision slips are not generated for each line. Instead of this, one revision slip is generated contains two line for each slip line. When the allocation slip is approved, these revision slips are approved automatically as well.

When the allocation slips which are generated for sub budgets belonging to a general budget in "approved (final)" status are approved, difference journal slips are generated and budget lines are updated.
In case of removing the approval of an allocation slip, generated revision and journal slips are deleted too.

If budget(s) entered in allocation slip are not related to a general budget, revision slips are generated by saving allocation slip. Budget is updated, but difference journal slips are not generated.

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