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Trading invoice scenario states the followings:

  • The roles of traders when billing invoices to one another or to public corporations
  • The workflow of drawing up invoices and usage of application response in this workflow

This scenario contains workflows in relation to drawing up invoices because of material and service selling transactions, acceptation or refusal of subjected invoices and application response arrangements for correction transactions.

The invoice drawn up within the scope of this scenario is not different from base invoice scenario. Differently from base invoice scenario, in trading invoice scenario it is enabled to use application response. Within the scope of trading invoice scenario, invoice transfer depends on definite consent that the parties give.

The invoice drawn up within the scope of scenario, states the invoice which is drawn up depending on tax acts and relevant arrangements.

However application response is a document which prescribed to be used with the aim of providing to perform invoice's acceptance, refusal and correction transactions within application also which is sent with in the scope of e-invoice application. Application response has to be drawn up inclusive of rules explained in this scenario.

This scenario comprises the followings:

  • Public or private seller / purchasers in all size and sectors
  • Drawing up e-invoice because of all kinds of material and service sales
  • Accepting invoices by receivers by means of drawing up application response
  • Refusing invoices by receivers by means of drawing up application response
  • Using application response in case return invoice is required to be drawn up

Parties and Their Roles

Seller: The party who draws up the invoice and sends to receiver. Generally it is creditor party in invoice transfer process. Seller may require from the receiver to accept the invoice issued by the seller by means of preparing an application response provided that the seller and the receiver have previously agreed.

Receiver: It refers to the party receiving the invoice or on whose behalf the relevant invoice is issued. It refers to the debtor of invoice. This party accepts the invoice by application response or rejects under specific circumstances. In case specific conditions are actualized, he can draw up return invoice.

Necessities for Work Phase

  1. Seller / receiver should have qualified knowledge of sending and receiving of e-invoice.
  2. Seller / receiver should be authorized for drawing up e-invoice.
  3. E-Invoice should be drawn up in accordance with tax acts and relevant legislation.

Work Phase

The parts, who carry authority of drawing up and receiving e-invoice, compromise in point of using application response in invoice transferring process.
In this regard following work phases can be discussed within trading invoice scenario:

  • The invoice sent with acceptance demand is accepted after application response is regulated,
  • The e-invoice can be refused by receiver
  • Return invoice may be required to be drawn up in case all or some of the materials subjected to invoice are returned

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