New main package orders can be created as follows.
Click on the "Orders" operation menu in the left menu and open the order list screen.
On the order list screen, you can search for date, slip number, Logo order number, customer name, and slip description in the orders. You can also use the date and status filters.
The action buttons in the "..." menu for the orders in the order list will show the operation buttons to use according to the order status.
Click on the "New Order" button on the order list screen.
The order creation screen will open.
The order creation process will be completed in 4 steps. The details of each step are explained below.
Customer step: In the customer step, there are options for "Existing Customer" and "New Customer". After making a selection here, the "Next" button will be clicked to proceed to the next order step.
Existing Customer Tab: This is the field where the existing customers are listed. The customer to enter the order is selected by searching the title or TR ID No/Tax ID No field.
b. New Customer Tab: The customer to enter the order should be selected by searching the TR ID/Tax ID number field.
2. Products step: This step varies with the customer information selected for the order. While the existing customer can see the main packages owned by the FIO in the business partner, it is expected to enter the license key for the main package to be ordered for the New Customer (Enter License Key).
If an order is being created for the new main package, there is no need to enter a license key.
The new main package list is opened with the "Add Product/Service" button.
- Existing Customer:
- b. New Customer:
Select a package from the new main package list. The relevant order screen for the package will open.
Modules, User/Employee Increments, and Microsoft SQL accordions are hidden.
Click the accordion to be purchased. After the accordion is opened, the relevant product/service/module list will be visible.
The relevant module/increment is selected. On the left of the screen, the "Items to Be Added" box will contain the main package, modules/increments added to the order. The Price/Quantity and Total Amount fields will also be displayed in the "Items to be Added" box.
By clicking the "Confirm and Add to Cart" button, the materials are added to the Order Content table.
The products/services in the order content can be edited with the Configure button or removed from the order content with the Delete icon.
3. Additional Information Step: In this step; you can enter Order notes. You can select campaign, and if the campaign requires document upload, you can upload the document from the Document Upload field.
When the Save and Continue button is clicked, an order form will be created in Draft Order status and you will proceed to the Complete step. The Documents box will be added to the right, and the selected campaign and added documents can be tracked from there.
If the Return to Order List button is clicked before the Save and Continue button is clicked, the following warning will be given, and if accepted, the order slip will not be created and you will return to the order list screen.
4. Complete step: A summary display of all selections made in the steps is available.
Since there is no missing information entry in the order steps, the step icons are marked with blue and white check marks.
The order slip in Draft Order status can be tracked on the right. The Confirm and Send to Logo button is active because it is ready to be sent to Logo.
The "Confirm and Send to Logo" button will proceed to the order list. The order slip status will be updated as "Sent to Logo".