When the material is shipped in advance and the invoice is issued afterwards, an invoice receipt connection is established, removing the need for re-entering receipt information.

In order to transfer receipts to invoices, you can use Transfer Receipt / Dispatch option in the Operations menu in invoices or Bill option located in F9 - right click menu of receipt lines.

Billing From Purchase Receipts List

Purchase receipts can also be billed from the receipt list. This transaction is performed using the Bill option located in the right-click menu of the Purchase Receipts List. The Bill window is displayed, allowing invoice information to be viewed and recorded.

Transferring Receipts

The "Transfer Dispatch/Receipt" option is used to transfer receipts into the invoice collectively. It is located under Operations menu in receipt.
The filter options located in the Disp./Recpt. Transfer Transactions window are used to specify the receipts to be transferred to the invoice. The filter options are:

Slip DatesStart/End
Trading GroupGroup/Range
Receipt Document NoGroup/Range
Document DatesStart/End
Bottom Discount and ExpensesTransfer/Do Not Transfer

Slip Dates
: This filter line is used to enter start and end date in order to list the receipts belonging to the AR/AP of the invoice.
Trading Group: Used to filter receipts to be billed by trading group.
Document Number/Date: Receipts to be billed can also be selected by document number and date. This filter is used to list receipts by document numbers and date info.
General Discounts / Expenses: Used to determine whether the discounts and expenses incurred in the receipt will be transferred into the invoice.
While billing receipt, all changes applied in invoice, discount/ expense/promotion lines applied to the material line reflect the receipt as well. Material/ discount/promotion lines which are deleted from invoice are also deleted from the receipt. However, a new receipt record is generated for promotions added to the invoice (general). Discounts and expenses applied to the invoice (general) do not affect related receipts.

Listing Receipts Transferred Into Invoices
During invoice entry or old invoice control transactions, receipts on the invoice are accessed through the Dispatches/Receipts tab in invoices. Receipts on the invoice are listed along with number, receipt type, date and description information.
In cases where the invoice and the receipt will be printed with the same date, the Receipt Date can be changed. The change made here is automatically transferred to the receipts. Receipts transferred into invoices are displayed on the purchase receipts list with a check indicating that they are billed. Billed receipts can be displayed on the purchase receipts list only for viewing purposes. The Purchase Invoices section can be used for the changes to receipt information, or removing the receipt from the records.