It is used to define deposit transactions of deposit incomes. This option is located under the Attached Records menu of Financial Investments browser, and it becomes active only for financial investments of Deposit Income type.
The New option is clicked to open Deposit Transaction definition window. The following information is entered in Deposit Transaction window.


Number of the deposit transaction.

Interest % (Annual)

Interest information of deposit transaction.


Stoppage rate which will apply while calculating stoppage amount.


Determines if deposit date will be extended. The options are:

  • Extend
  • Do not extend
    If Extend is selected, the system generates a new Deposit Date automatically. Deposit Start Date of deposit transaction will be the Deposit End Date of the previous deposit transaction.

Add Interest Income To Capital

Determines if interest income will be added to capital. The options are:

  • Yes
  • No
    If Yes is selected, "Interest Rate - Income Tax Amount" value of deposit transaction will be added to the fiscal investment amount to which deposit transaction is related.

Flexible Deposit

When the Flexible Deposit checkbox is checked, a screen on which the Interest Calculation Date, Amount and new withholding rates can be entered opens while performing the withdrawal and account closing transactions. The interest can be charged, and the withholding can be deducted in the case of the partial withdrawal or withdrawal of all money.

Deposit Type

Deposit type is selected in this field. The options are:

  • Day
  • Month
    If Day is selected, the number of days specified in Deposit Duration field is added to Deposit Start Date and Deposit End Date is determined.
    If Month is selected, the number of months specified deposit duration field is added to Deposit Start Date "Month" value and Deposit End Date is determined.

Deposit Duration

According to user's Day / Month selection inDepositType field, this field value is entered in day or month.

Deposit Start

Deposit start date is entered.

Deposit End

Deposit end date is entered.

Same Day Value

When this field is ticked, the interest earning of the deposit transaction starts on "Deposit Start Date". The interest earning starts for the deposit transaction where "Same Day Value" is not selected on the next day. The "Same Day Value" field is displayed in the "Expiry Date" as follows:

  • If the "Same Day Value" field is ticked;
    Deposit Duration = Expiry Date - Deposit Start Date
  • If the "Same Day Value" field is not ticked;
    Deposit Duration = Expiry Date - Deposit Start Date

When the Deposit Income Transaction is generated as the same day value, there is no change in "Expiry Date" and it is not included in the interest calculations of the expiry date.
For example; 31 days of deposit transaction with same day value Start Date: 01.01.2018 End Date: 01.09.2018 (including the first day, not including the last day)
If "Period Type: Month" is selected, the "Same Day Value" field will not apply to the "Expiry Date" calculation.
For example: The deposit start date of the deposit transaction, the deposit duration of which is 31 days, as 01.01.2018. The expiry date will be 01.09.2018 if "Same Day Value" is selected (The first day is included, the last day is excluded.). The deposit start date of the deposit transaction, the deposit duration of which is 31 days, as 01.01.2018. The expiry date will be 01.09.2018 if "Same Day Value" is not selected.

Account Code / Name

These fields are shown filled if the relevant deposit transaction is selected from a bank slip of Payment type is selected, or they are filled by previous deposit transactions in records generated by extension. Therefore, these fields are non-editable and data cannot be entered directly.

Amount (LC)

Amount (LC) value of the financial investment record to which deposit transaction is related is transferred into this field.

Amount (RC)

Amount (LC) value of the financial investment record to which deposit transaction is viewed in reporting currency through this field.

Amount (TC)

Amount (TC) value of the financial investment record to which deposit transaction is related is transferred into this field.

RC Type

Reporting currency type which is defined in system is shown in this field.

RC Exchange Rate

Reporting currency exchange rate of the most recent price information which is defined in system in relation to the financial investment is shown in this field.

TC Type

Transaction currency type which is defined in system is shown in this field.

TC Exchange Rate

Transaction currency exchange rate of the most recent price information which is defined in system in relation to the financial investment is shown in this field.