Invoice payment transactions are either directly recorded on the invoice or generated and tracked according to the applied payment plan. The Payment Collection Transactions option is used to track the date and amount of collections related to the materials and services on the invoice bottom or lines.
The Payment operations window accessed through the Payment/Collection Transaction options is displayed as a table. The table lines display payments calculated according to the payment plan applied to both line transactions and invoice bottom along with date, day, early or late payment, discount rate for discounted payments and amount information.
A Payment Plan can be linked to any forward transactions except for the Accounts Receivable/Payable and Check and P. Notes. The Payment Plans specified in the AR/AP or Material are transferred into the transaction as default. If a different Payment Plan will be used for the transaction on the line or the slip bottom, the plan can be changed during the transaction.
The "Generate Transactions" option of the Payment/Collection Transactions section is used to generate payment transactions according to the payment plan applied to slip bottom or line transaction. Payment transactions are generated in accordance with the conditions specified on the payment plan.
Invoice payment transactions are either directly recorded on the invoice or generated and tracked according to the applied payment plan. The Payment Collection Transactions option is used to track the date and amount of collections related to the materials and services on the invoice bottom or lines.
The Payment operations window accessed through the Payment/Collection Transaction options is displayed as a table. The table lines display payments calculated according to the payment plan applied to both line transactions and invoice bottom along with date, day, early or late payment, discount rate for discounted payments, amount and service, point, due date difference commissions and bank accounts for payments by credit card.
A Payment Plan can be linked to any forward transactions except for the Accounts Receivable/Payable and Check and P. Notes. The Payment Plans specified in the AR/AP or Material are transferred into the transaction as default. If a different Payment Plan will be used for the transaction on the line or the slip bottom, the plan can be changed during the transaction.
The "Generate Transactions" option of the Payment/Collection Transactions section is used to generate payment transactions according to the payment plan applied to slip bottom or line transaction. Payment transactions are generated in accordance with the conditions specified on the payment plan.
Payment transactions can also be recorded directly by the user.
The Payment/Collection transactions table contains the following information.
Date: The payment date.
Option Date: Indicates the latest date of payment.
Day: Indicates how many days after the transaction date the payment will be done. If a payment plan is connected to the invoice line or bottom, the number of days specified on the plan is displayed.
Prepayment Interest (%): The interest rate to be applied to payments before due date. Given as a percentage. The amount to be calculated through this percentage by processing the due amount is considered the payment amount. If a payment plan is applied to slip bottom or line, the percentage specified in the definition is transferred into the field.
Interest on Delay (%): The interest rate to be applied to payments after due date. Given as a percentage. The amount to be calculated through this percentage by processing the due amount is considered the payment amount. If a payment plan is applied to slip bottom or line, the percentage specified in the definition is transferred into the field.
Amount: Indicates the due amount. If a payment plan is connected to slip bottom or line, the amount calculated according to the formula specified in the plan definition is transferred into the field.
Status: The status of the payment/collection transaction. Contains the Draft, Not Paid and Paid statuses. The payment transaction status will be "draft" while the invoice status is "draft". Afterwards, it will change to not paid when the invoice is approved, and to paid when it is connected to a payment transaction.
Operation Status: Indicates the bank transaction status in payments by credit card or when the transaction is forwarded to the bank. Status options are listed and the appropriate status is selected.
Payment Type: Indicates how the payment will be done. The options are:

  • Indefinite
  • Cash
  • Credit Card

If a payment plan is connected to slip bottom or line, the payment type specified in the plan definition is displayed as default.
Discount (%): Indicates the discount to be applied to the transaction.
Discount Validation: Indicates the date until which the discount will be valid.
Amount for Delay: Indicates the amount for delay in late payments.
Back Payment Date: Indicates the back payment date in payments by credit cards.
Amount Account: Indicates the amount calculation method in payments by credit cards. The field contains the following options.

  • Gross
  • Due Date Difference Commission Included
  • Bank Commissions Included
  • Only Point Commission Included
  • Only Service Commission Included

Data is entered into the Service Commission, Point Commission or Due Date Difference Commission fields depending on the selection made on the Amount Calculation field.
Transaction Currency: Indicates the transaction currency for the payment on the line. Currency types are listed and the related currency is selected.
TC Exchange Rate: The exchange rate of the transaction currency.
Amount (TC): The amount calculated in transaction currency.
Service Commission: The service commission rate applied by the bank. This field is activated when the Bank Commission Rates Included or the Only Service Commission is Included option is selected on the Amount Calculation field.
Point Commission: The point commission rate applied by the bank. This field is activated when the Bank Commission Rates Included or the Only Point Commission is Included option is selected on the Amount Calculation field.
Due Date Difference Commission: The due date difference commission rate applied by the bank for back payments. This field is activated when the Due Date Difference Commission Included option is selected on the Amount Calculation field.
Safe Deposit/Bank Account: Indicates the relevant bank account related to the payments made by credit card. When the payment type is Credit Card, the bank accounts browser is opened via this field, and the relevant account is selected. When the payment type is Cash, the payment/collection points browser is opened, and the safe deposit account is selected.

Combining Payment Transactions and Due Date
While generating payment lines of purchase invoices, "Method of Combining Payment Transactions in Slips" parameter located under System Settings > Purchase Management Defaults and Parameters > General heading is used to determine whether payments with the same due date will be combined according to the payment plan, and if they will be combined, which due date will be the baseline date. If they will not be combined, payment transactions are generated in separate lines. If invoice is generated with multiple lines, payments are divided appropriately according to the payment plan of each line, and payment transactions having the same due date are not combined.
If they will be combined by due date, payment transactions with the same due date are combined and payment lines are generated. Payment transactions which are divided according to the general payment plan of invoice and have the same due date are combined conveniently.
If they will be combined by average due date, a line is generated on average due date for the payment total. Payment transactions divided for all lines of invoice are combined on a single line on average due date. Average due date is calculated by finding ıut the weighted average of divided payment transactions.
When orders or receipts are transferred into invoices, general payment plan of the slip is not transferred if a payment plan is specified in invoice. If no general payment plan is defined, payment plan of the first receipt and/or order slip that is transferred is associated with the invoice.
Payment plans specified for invoice (general) transferred from the AR/AP record automatically does not have any effect for invoices in which a payment plan is designated for each line. However, if invoice is opened later with Update option, and payment plan relation is removed in some lines, then general payment plan selected for the invoice will apply for these lines. If no payment plan is specified in line and no general payment plan is selected for the invoice, stock in line will be processed on zero-day due basis, in other words it is considered that it will be paid on transaction date.
If there is a difference between due amount, average maturity, paid amount entered at the bottom of the Payment/Collection transactions window and the invoice amount, amount difference is displayed on related fields.