Quick production operations are recorded with Quick Production Slips. During quick production operations, finished/semi finished goods or child materials of finished/semi finished goods are used.

Quick production slip information is recorded under the following headings:

  • Slip General Info
  • Good Info
  • Child Material Info Used in Goods Production

Slip General Info

Slip No

Tracking number of quick production slip. It is an alphanumeric field. Slips are listed by their numbers. Each slip has a different sequence on its own. This field is mandatory.


Date on which the operation is performed is entered. This field is mandatory.


Shows the time of recording.

Auxiliary Code

A secondary code field used to classify quick production slip. Auxiliary Code allows the user to group the slips according to certain company specific criteria and to generate reports. The user can use this field to record any necessary information that is not included in the slip.

Authorization Code

Used to define detailed authorizations. Each user may be authorized to use different records depending on job definitions. A planning process must be performed for detailed authorization definitions. First, slips to be accessed or processed by each user or user group should be specified. Then, separate authorization codes are assigned to slip types accessible by each authorization group.

Organizational Unit

Indicates the organizational unit of the transaction. This field is used to associate transactions with one of the defined organizational units of the company. Defined organizational units are listed and the related unit is selected.


Indicates the warehouse where company goods or other goods serving different purposes (such salvage, production etc) are stored. The relevant warehouse to which the operation belongs is specified in this field. Click browse button to list the existing Unit Definitions and select the relevant definition. This field is mandatory.

Warehouse can be specified for slip in general or on line basis. It is possible to record operations of different warehouses over a single slip.

Information of The Material To Be Produced (Good)


The code of the Finished Good/Semi Finished Good. Browse button opens the list of Materials of Finished and Semi Finished Good types. The relevant record is selected.


The description of the Finished Good/Semi Finished Good. When you enter information in Code field, the description of the selected Finished Good/Semi Finished Good is transferred into this field, and it cannot be changed.


This field is used to specify how many of the relevant good will be produced. Depending on the divisibility of the unit specified for this finished/semi-finished good, fractional numbers can also be entered. If the unit is divisible, system allows fractional numbers. Otherwise, it will not allow you to enter fractional values.

Scrap Rate

The scrap rate of the finished good. It is not used in Quick Production Slips. It is used in Disassembly Slips only.


The main unit of the finished good is transferred into this field by default. However it can be changed and selected from the other units.

Information of The Child Material Used in Production

Material Code and Description

The code and description of the material which is used in the production of the finished good or mixed case. It is transferred automatically and it cannot be changed.


It is the material quantity to be used calculated by considering the production quantity specified in Finished Good section.

Scrap Rate (%)

The scrap rate specified in Child Materials page of Finished Good or Semi Finished Good cards.

Scrap Quantity

The scrap quantity which is applicable according to the scrap rate specified in Child Materials page of Finished Good or Semi Finished Good cards.

Total Scrape Rate

Indicates the total quantity of child materials to be produced, including the scrap quantity.


Shows the unit over which material is used in production.


Shows the warehouse where material will be used.

Semi Finished Goods Production Option

Will Not Be Produced

If semi finished good will not be produced, Input From Production Slip is generated for the main material to be produced, while Scrap and Usage Slips are generated for the finished / semi finished goods to be used in production.

Will Be Produced / Will Be Produced (Stock-Out Quantity)

The finished / semi finished good to be produced is changed with the child materials which are defined for the material itself. Input From Production Slip is generated for the main material to be produced, while Scrap and Usage Slips are generated for the finished / semi finished goods to be used at the last stage.

By clicking Calculate Child Materials option in Operations menu, the material quantity require for the production of the finished good is calculated.

When you continue by clicking Save option, the slip is saved. The relevant Scrap, Usage and Input From Production Slip are generated. You can access these material slips with Related Records menu > Material Slips option.