A return operation can be recorded by selecting Sales Return Dispatch or Invoice type, or it can be performed over the related dispatch or invoice directly. To do the latter, you use "Take Back" option located on the right click menu of Sales Invoices, Sales Dispatches and Service Sales Invoices browsers.
When a return operation is performed, input/output cost of the dispatch or invoice is transferred to the return slip. Return quantities and slip connections of the slip are generated. The "Take Back" option is located on the right click menu of Retail Sales Dispatch, Wholesale Dispatch and Consignment Dispatch in Approved, Under Way, Delivered statuses and Retail Sales Invoice and Wholesale Invoice in Approved and G/L Approved statuses. 
Lines including quantity values greater than zero are transferred to the return slip of the relevant slip type by Take Back option. The dispatch/invoice types which are generated in return transactions performed over the dispatch/invoice browsers are as follows:


Return Dispatch

Retail Sales Dispatch

Retail Sales Return Dispatch

Wholesale Dispatch

Wholesale Return Dispatch

Consignment Dispatch

Consignment Return Dispatch


Return Invoice

Retail Sales Invoice

Retail Sales Return Invoice

Wholesale Sales Invoice

Wholesale Sales Return Invoice

The relevant return invoice or dispatch appears on the screen according to the dispatch/invoice transaction. If only a part of the sales quantity will be returned, the relevant quantity is specified. 
Analysis details are transferred to the return line according to the return quantity and distribution rates. 
The promotion materials and net amount are transferred in return transactions according to the parameter values specified in System Settings module > Administration Default Values and Parameters > Sales Management window.
When returning Service Sales Invoices, a Wholesale Return Invoice opens. In Return Invoice, Cost Type and Return Cost fields will be empty and you cannot enter data in these fields.