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Check/P. Note Slips are considered as official documents since they include information about a group of checks or P. Notes. The buttons located at the Check/P. Note Slips window and the options of the right mouse button menu are used to record slip transactions. The functions of these options are:


Used to generate a new slip.


Used to change slip information.


Used to delete the slip. Slip lines cannot be deleted if they are processed.


Used to view slip information without making changes.



Used to find slips that match the required number or date in the check/p. note slips window sorted by number or date. Once the process is started by entering the number or date, the cursor will point to the first record matching such number or date.

Record Information

Indicates the users who performed the entry and update transactions of the selected record and the time of these transactions.


Used to access the check/p. note slips according to the filter conditions specified in the check/p. note slips list.



Used to print the selected slip.


Batch Printing

Used to print the slips in batch.


Database Extensions

Used for user-defined forms.


Multiple Delete

Used to delete selected slips in batch.



Used to cancel or undo the transaction posted to G/L if the double check system is used.


G/L Codes

Used to enter and apply the G/L account codes and overhead pools of the transaction.


Post to G/L

Used to post the selected slip to G/L.


Debt Tracking

Used to display the debt-tracking window, and to perform the closing transactions.


Post to G/L in Batch

Used to post the selected slips to G/L in batch.


Number of Records

Used to list the number of records on the check/p. note slips window by type and in general total.



Used to display the current status of the check/p. note slips window.


Back to Defaults

Used to display the active window with the standard dimensions defined in the application.


LogoConnect Transactions

Used to list the transactions that are recorded from LogoConnect server.



Used for record based approval.


Multiple Lock

Used to approve selected records collectively.



Used to cancel record based approval.


Multiple Unlock

Used to cancel record approvals collectively for the selected records.


Create Shortcut

Used to create shortcuts of the records.


Send Shortcut

Used to send the created shortcuts to related users.

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