According to the announcement made by the Revenue Administration about the "Invoices to Be Issued by e-Invoice Application to Public Expenditure Units as e-Invoice", the taxpayers registered to the RA e-Invoice Application will be able to issue and send e-invoices via RA e-Invoice Application in the name of public administrations using the New Expenditure Management System (MYS) developed by the General Directorate of Accounting and Financial Control and the related expenditure units.

The following operations must be performed for the invoices issued to the public via j-platform to be sent as e-Invoice:

CPA Code Definition in System Administration/Other Definitions/Global Data 

The headings are generated with the ”Generate CPA Headings“ operation for the CPA codes required for public invoices, then the codes under the headings are transferred with the "Generate CPA Codes" operations.

CPA Code and Origin Record in Material/Service Card
The CPA Code and Origin field information in the General Information tab of the Material/Service definition cards to be used in the invoices with the public scenario should be filled.

CPA Code: It is the field where the CPA Code is selected for the materials/services to be used in public e-invoices.

Origin: It is the field where the place of production is selected for the materials to be used in public e-invoices. It is selected from the country list.

AR/AP Card Scenario Info

The scenario information of the AR/AP card to be used in the public e-invoices is specified as "Public" from the "AR/AP Card / e-Service / e-Invoice Information / Scenario" options. If an AR/AP with Public scenario is selected as the invoice AR/AP, the public information is displayed as default in the scenario field of the invoice.

Actions to Be Performed in Invoice
The Origin information and CPA information of the materials/services selected in the Invoice Transaction Line should be filled. Otherwise, the invoice cannot be saved.

When an AR/AP with the public scenario is selected on the invoice, the scenario field of the invoice is updated as Public and it cannot be changed. The value is retrieved from the scenario defined in the AR/AP, and it cannot be selected manually.

The account info in Purchase Invoices>e-Service Details> SSO/Public Info tab is used to enter the bank account for which the organizational unit will perform the payment/collection. The account code is the bank account used in Public e-Invoices. The default is specified through the "Bank Account to Be Used in Public e-Invoices" field under the e-Service / Defaults / e-Invoice e-Archive Operations menu, but the AR/AP with the public scenario should have been selected on the invoice in order to display the information in the field. If no default is defined, the Bank Accounts list is accessed through this field to select from the accounts with IBAN information.