Purchase invoices recorded from the Purchasing module are approved using the following options.

  • The "Change Status" option located in the right click menu of the Purchase Invoices browser
  • Batch Purchase Invoice Approval

In the first method, invoices to be approved are specified using the Change Status option located on the right click menu of the related record on the purchase invoices browser.
The second method is to use the Batch Purchase Invoice Approval option directly.
Purchase invoices are approved by specifying the batch approval conditions. Batch purchase invoice approval is performed using the Batch Purchase Order Approval option located in the Operations menu of the Purchasing module. The filter lines are used to specify the invoices, dates and AR/AP records for which the batch approval will be performed.



Date Range

Start / End


Defined divisions

Invoice Number

Group / Range

Document Number

Group / Range

Slip Aux. Code

Group / Range


Group / Range