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Apply Campaign: Used to apply the discount, surcharge, promotion or point campaign to the line transaction or slip bottom if the campaign feature is used.

Delete Campaign: Used to delete applied campaigns.

Apply Alternative Material: Allows the alternative of the material in the line to be used.

Apply Line Payment Plan: Used to change the payment plans of the transactions in the sales dispatches lines in batch.

Change Delivery Dates: Used to change the delivery dates of the sales orders in order slips.

Apply Distribution Template: Used to apply the child material information in the slip lines of material class (General) type. 

Apply Sales Conditions: Used to apply sales conditions to the invoice/slip bottom or the transaction on the line.

Apply Discount: Used to apply the discounts defined for the slip bottom or the line transaction.

Apply Promotion Rules: If a promotion is specified to be applied for the transaction in the line, the definition is automatically applied using "Apply Promotion" option located in the right mouse button menu.

Unit Price Selection: Unit price is specified in the unit price column in the slips and invoices. It is also possible to specify the material unit price directly as well as to list the prices and select among them. 

Unit Price Adjustment: Used to transfer the sales prices defined by processing conditions such as quantity and amount into the unit price field.

Additional Discounts: It is possible to add more than one discount to Sales Proposal Slips and Sales Contracts. To do so, "Additional Discount" option located in F9 menu of the slip is used. You can apply 5 discounts to the operation in line. When "Apply to All Lines" option is selected, additional discounts are applied to all lines in the slip. When this option is selected, these additional discounts are listed right under each relevant line.

Apply Distribution Template: In case the material in slip line is a configurable material, it is used for quantity entry for defined material variants.

Apply Optional Materials: Satırdaki işlem için geçerli olacak ek malzeme girişlerini kaydetmek için kullanılır.

Close Batch Status: To make all transactions in multi-line orders the same status as "Closed", the option "Close Batch Status" in the order lines F9 / right mouse button menu is used.

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