The checks and P. Notes menu option is used to record customer or company checks and P. Notes. The option is located under the Definitions menu of the Finance module. Information about customer and company checks and P. Notes are recorded using Check/P. Note slips, while check/p. note status changes are recorded using transaction slips. When the application is used for the first time, check and P. Note information is recorded using the Checks and P. Notes option.
Check/P. Note info is entered by selecting a record type. Check/P. Note record types are listed by clicking the arrow icon next to the "New" option on the Checks/P. Notes list, and the related record is selected.
Customer check/P. Note information is recorded with the following types.

  • Customer Check
  • Customer P. Note

And Company Check and P. Notes are recorded with the following record types.

  • Company Check
  • Company P. Note