Purchase demands can be delivered individually or collectively. The batch purchase demand delivery is performed using the Purchase Demand Delivery option located under the Operations menu of the Purchasing module. Demands to be delivered and the delivery method are specified on the Batch Purchase Demand Delivery filter lines.



Demand Slip Date

Start - End Date Rage

Demand Slip Number

Group / Range

Demand Slip Document Number

Group / Range

Demand Slip Aux. Code

Group / Range

Demand Slip Auth. Code

Group / Range

Demand Slip Status

Approved / Approving / Delivering / Evaluating

Material Code

Group / Range

Material Description

Group / Range

Material Aux. Code

Group / Range

Parent Material Class Code

Group / Range

Material Auth. Code

Group / Range

Variant Code

Group / Range

Variant Description

Group / Range

Transaction Warehouse

Defined warehouses

Evaluator Employee Number

Group / Range

Evaluator Department Number

Group / Range

Organizational Unit

Defined units

Once required conditions are set on the filter lines, the transaction is started by clicking the "Apply" button. Demands to be delivered are recorded with the following column information as separate lines.

  • Date
  • Slip No.
  • Type
  • Material / Service Code
  • Material / Service Description
  • Variant Code / Description
  • Delivery Type
  • Procurement Date
  • Quantity
  • Cancelled Quantity
  • Delivered Quantity
  • Unit
  • Warehouse