After saving the Project, system generates Material Demand Slips for input materials that are used in the project activities. Material Demand Slips are generated automatically provided you approve "Generate Material Procurement Proposal Automatically" parameter in Project Management Defaults and Parameters. If you set this parameter value to "Yes", system generates Material Demand Slips automatically for materials in the project. When you add a material to the Project Activities, system generates Material Demand Slip – if there isn't one already – or it add new material transactions to the existing Material Demand Slip.

See. System Settings, Project Management Defaults and Parameters

You can delete demand transactions in material demand slip or material slip itself only in Proposal status. If a new material is added to the project activity after deleting a demand transaction from the slip, system generates demand transaction for the new material. If you want to generate a new demand slip that will include all materials, you must generate the slip manually. To do so, use "General Material Demand Slip" option in F9 menu.
You can access these Material Demand Slips by using Material Demand Slips menu option under the Transactions menu in Project Management module.

Generating Material Demand Slips Manually
When there isn't any Material Demand Slip for the Project, "General Material Demand Slip" option becomes actives in F9 menu of the Projects browser. This option manually generates a Material Demand Slip to which all materials in the Project Activities are transferred (excluding Temporary Materials and Services).
However, as in Material Demand Slips that are generated automatically, you cannot make any changed in material lines or add a new line to the slip. You can delete only the slips in Proposal status.
When you make any changes on a Project, for instance, when you add a new material, user is prompted to add the new materials to the existing demand slip (if any). If user continues by clicking Yes option, newly added materials are transferred to the slip. If you delete a material from the existing slip, the relevant material is deleted from the demand slip line.

Delivering Material Demand Slips That Are Generated Automatically and Manually
Material demand slip delivery is performed in two ways.
You can either use "Generate Material Demand Slip" option in right click menu of the Projects browser to deliver demand slips individually, or you can deliver collectively by running Deliver Material Demand Slips operation. See. Deliver Material Demand Slips
"Deliver Material Demand Slip" and "Actualize Delivery Proposals" options perform material demand slip delivery for the project-related demand slips only.
For more see. Demand Management Demand Delivery Operations