It is used to list material and service sales prices. It is located under the Invoice Reports menu of Sales Management module. Material prices are listed according to the conditions set on filter lines. The report filters are:




By Materials / By AR/AP

Price Card Code

Group / Range

Material / Service Type

Material Class / Commercial Good / Fixed Asset / Deposit Item / Raw Material / Semi Finished Good / Finished Good / Consumer Good / Material Set / Service

Material / Service Status

Active / Inactive

Material / Service Code

Group / Range

Material / Service Description

Group / Range

Material / Service Aux. Code

Group / Range

Parent Material Class Code

The class code entry or selection

AR/AP Code

Group / Range

AR/AP Aux. Code

Group / Range

Pricing Currency

Currency types

Report Unit

Group / Range

VAT Included/Excluded

Excluded / Included

Payment Plan Code

Group / Range

Delivery / Procurement Time

Start / End


Entry value

Validity Date

Start / End