This report is used to list the AR/AP information of dispatches not billed. When detailed report is generated, the dispatch line information is also included. It is located under the Invoice Reports menu of Sales Management module. The report filters are:



AR/AP Code

Group / Range

AR/AP Title

Group / Range

AR/AP Status

Active / Inactive

AR/AP Aux. Code

Group / Range

Trading Group

Group / Range

Disp. / Rec. Number

Group / Range

Document Number

Group / Range

Aux. Code

Group / Range


Start / End

Slip Type

Retail Sales Return Dispatch / Wholesale Return Dispatch / Consignment Return Dispatch / Retail Sales Dispatch / Wholesale Dispatch / Consignment Dispatch (Issued) / User Defined Sales Dispatch


Draft / Approved / Cancelled / Packaged / Under Way / Delivered / Cancelling

Department Code

Defined departments

Organizational Unit

Defined organizational units

Warehouse Code

Defined warehouses

Payment Plan Code

Group / Range

Dispatch/Receipt Lines

List / Do Not List

Collection Transactions

List / Do Not List

Rediscount Date

Start / End

Rediscount Interest

Group / Range

Invoice Status

Unbilled / Billed / Billing

Rediscount Calculation Method

Simple Interest / Compound Interest

Number of Days of a Year

360 / 365

Shipment Slip No

Group / Range