The order delivery analysis is generated for Materials and Services. This option is located under the Order Reports menu of Sales Management module. The report displays the sales order quantities, delivered quantities, number of partial deliveries, procurement and delivery times, missing or excess deliveries, and their ratio to the total order quantity. The filter options are:



Material / Service Type

Material Class / Commercial Good / Raw Material / Fixed Asset / Deposit Item / Semi Finished Good / Finished Good / Consumer Good / Material Set / Service

Material / Service Status

Active / Inactive

Material / Service Code

Group / Range

Material / Service Description

Group / Range

Material / Service Auxiliary Code

Group / Range

Material / Service Authorization Code

Group / Range

Material / Service Group Code

Group / Range

Parent Material Class Code

The Class Code entry or selection

Material Tracking Method

No Tracking / Lot / Serial

Order Date

Start / End

Organizational Unit Code

Defined org. units

Organizational Unit Group Code

Defined org. unit groups

Department Code

Defined departments

Warehouse Code

Defined warehouses

Warehouse Group Code

Defined Warehouse group codes

Report Unit

Unit set and unit entry or selection

Unit of Measure

Convert to Main Unit / Convert to Reporting Unit

Page Setup

Same Page / Different Page

Transaction Status

Approved / Shipping / Closed / Delivered / Delivering


Yes / No

Variant Code

Group / Range

Variant Description

Group / Range

Variant Auxiliary Code

Group / Range

Analysis Dimension Code

Group / Range

Analysis Dimension Description

Group / Range