Electronic signature is an electronic data that is added to another electronic data or logically associated with this electronic data, and it is used to authenticate users. It is a substitute for a handwritten signature in electronic environments and it is used to identify the signer by adding to the documents, and therefore serving as a legal authentication system. 
It is possible to perform approval transaction with electronic signature in j-guar application. You can change and approve status of the records in Change Status window with electronic signature. In order to do so, you can use "Electronic Signatures" option located in Attached Records menu of Sales Invoices browser. "Electronic Signatures" option is available on records defined as work product / data object. You define these definitions using the "E-Signature Data Definitions" option located in System Settings > Definitions > General heading and select Invoices as work product / data object. 
You can create your electronic signature manually using  option in Electronic Signatures browser. 


When clicked on  Electronic Signature Wizard opens. 
Since after e-signature creation, an electronic signature will be generated for this data, "data" shown in E-Signature Wizard must be viewed carefully. 
Click "Next" button and PIN Entry window opens. To proceed, enter your pin code and then click "Next". 
Electronic signature transaction is started by sending reference of the relevant record which will be signed to the signature method. 
To check validity and up-to-datedness of signatures, the "Check Signature Validity" option located in Electronic Signatures browser's F9 menu is used. This option sends reference info of the object and signature to the relevant method to check validity. Depending on value returned from the relevant method, one of the following messages appear on screen:

  • Signature record is invalid.
  • Signature record is not up-to-date.
  • Signature record is up-to-date.