You can set parameters that will apply for Quick Demand Delivery operations in Delivery Parameters window.
Before delivering the related demands through procurement, you can determine whether inventory should be checked or demanded quantity should be procured from other warehouses in Delivery Parameters window.

The options that are shown in Parameters window are the parameters that will apply if stock control will be performed in delivery operations.
The parameters under "For Demanded Quantity" and "In Inventory Level Calculation" headings and "Transfer Auxiliary Code Info in Demand and Slip Transaction to Proposal" parameter determine the stock control method and transactions that will be taken into account when calculating the quantity.

For Demanded Quantities:
Warehouse(s) that will be taken into account for demanded quantities are determined with the following options.

  • Check Inventory Level of Demand Warehouse
  • Check Inventory Level of Other Warehouses

When you select Check Inventory Level of Demand Warehouse, system checks whether each material in demand line is in-stock in the selected Demand Warehouse and it also checks the quantity on-hand materials.
When you select Check Inventory Level of Other Warehouses, system checks whether the demanded material is available in other warehouses related to the Division specified in the relevant Demand Slip in case the material is stock-out in the Demand Warehouse that is selected for the line. If you select only this option, system does not check inventory level of the material in the demand warehouse, it directly checks other warehouses related to the specified division. To do so, delivery warehouses must have been defined previously.
The warehouse from which the stock items will be transferred is selected with System Settings > Definitions > Trading System > Demand Delivery Warehouses option.
See. System Settings Demand Delivery Warehouses
If none of these options are checked, system does not perform any warehouse control.
If both options are checked and the stock item is not available in the Demand Warehouse, other warehouses related to the Division of the Demand Slip are checked.

In Inventory Level Calculation
Inventory level calculation parameter determines how to calculate the quantity of materials in Demand Warehouse and / or Other Warehouses.
The parameter options are:

  • Take Consignments into Account
  • Add Purchase Orders
  • Add Planned Inputs
  • Remove Sales Orders
  • Remove Planned Outputs

All lines are checked by defaults. Uncheck any parameter that will be ignored in calculation.
When clicked Next after checking the necessary inventory level control parameters for the Demand and Other Warehouses, Delivery Proposals window opens.