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Transactions are located in the right mouse button menu of the Material Classes list and are used to list the transactions of the selected Material Class in all warehouses. The slip of the transaction selected in the Material Class Transactions list can be opened by clicking the Update or View buttons. If the selected transaction is billed, the slip can only be viewed but not updated.
The upper part of the Material Class Transaction window displays the Code and Description of the Material Class and the Main Unit information specified in the record. The transactions of the Material Class are listed in the following fields:

  • Date
  • Slip No.
  • Slip Document No.
  • Type
  • Status
  • Slip Aux. Code
  • AR/AP Title
  • Plant / Division / Department
  • Source Warehouse / Destination Warehouse
  • Line Type
  • Payment Type
  • Input / Output
  • Quantity
  • Unit Price
  • Unit Price (Net)
  • Unit
  • Amount
  • Amount (Net)
  • P.C.
  • P. Currency Amount
  • R.C. Price
  • R.C. Amount
  • Transaction Aux. Code
  • Input From Production Tracking Number

Filtering the Material Class Transactions: When the Filters button located in the Material Class Transactions list is clicked, the transactions are filtered according to the conditions specified, allowing only the transactions meeting the conditions to be listed. The filter condition is specified by making a group or range definition or by selecting from the list. Once the condition is specified, "OK" button is clicked and the transactions meeting the condition are listed. "Save Filter" button is used to record the filter conditions and list the transactions again with the same conditions, and the "Load Filter" button is used to use the saved filter file again.
The filter options and values of the Material Class Transactions:



Slip Type

(01) Purchase Receipt / (02) Retail Sales Return Dispatch / (03) Wholesale return receipt / (04) Consignment dispatch return receipt / (05) Consignment Receipt / (06) Purchase Return Receipt / (07) Retail Sales Receipt / (08) Wholesale Receipt / (09) Consignment dispatch return / (10) Consignment Return Receipt / (11) Scrap Slip / (12) Usage Slip / (13) Input from Production Slip / (14) Opening Slip / (25) WH Transfer Slip / (26) Producer Slip / (50) Cycle Count Excess Slip / (51) Cycle Count Deficit Slip

Slip Date

Start / End

Slip No.

Group / Range

Slip Document No.

Group / Range

Slip Aux. Code

Group / Range

Slip Status

Planned / Actual

Billing Status

All / Billed / Unbilled

AR/AP Code

Group / Range

AR/AP Title

Group / Range


Defined divisions


Defined plants


Defined departments

Source Warehouse

Defined warehouses

Destination Warehouse

Defined warehouses

Workstation Code

Group / Range

Workstation Description

Group / Range

Transaction Direction

Input / Output

Transaction Aux. Code

Group / Range


Group / Range

Input from Production Tracking Number

Group / Range

Dispatch / Receipt Status

Actual / Proposal

Material Slips Status

Actual / Proposal

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