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It is reporting the data in a table by positioning the data to columns and lines without using any tool as excel.

Table Report Properties

  • Hide Column / Show Column / Move Column
  • Transposition of Columns
  • Sorting
  • Filtering
  • User defined Columns
  • Grouping
  • Calculating Functions
  • Saving / Loading Designs
  • Saving to File
  • Printer
  • Graphic

Default Report Unit: By "User Options" window (located in the "View" menu), you can select the default report unit for reports. When you select one of the options, the reports will be taken according to that default report unit. 


The table unit lists according to table columns in report designs. The columns and the fields to be listed are selected on table columns. 

If there is a defined column for lines, the heading info must be included absolutely. 

The information selected in table columns is placed to columns and lines in standard form. 

Hide Column / Show Column / Move: These properties are reached by the button on the left side of the corner of the listed data. The existing columns are listed by a sign. By removing or adding the signs you can provide to list/not list the data in the report. 

The hidden columns can be shown again by signing and by using mouse you can replace the columns. 


Replacement between Columns: After taking the table reports, the columns can be replaced by the user. 

The column can be move to another place by dragging. 

Status of the "Invoice Total" column before moving 

Status of the "Invoice Total" column after moving 

Sorting: This feature is activated by clicking on the column heading that will be sorted. All the columns can be sorted in report. An arrow sign appears on the column heading whose lines will be sorted. In first click, the text or numeric lines are sorted descending. If the same column header is clicked again, the column is sorted ascending. 

Filters: The filters screen is opened by clicking the arrow on any column heading. If "All" option is selected, all the lines in the column are listed. By signing the boxes the user can determine which lines will be listed in the column. 

Custom Filter: By this option, the filters can be customized according to the some specific conditions. 


Filter Line: An another filtering method is using "Filter Line". When this "Filter Line" option is selected by the report' right mouse button menu, a line is opened under the column. To this line the field name to be filtered can be written. For example if A1 A.Ş is written to the AR/AP title field, only the records will be listed that are belong to that AR/AP. In this field, "?" means one character, and "*" means all characters. 



Defined Columns: When a new column is wanted to be added to the table type report, "Numeric", "Text" and "Date" type fields can be added by "Defined Columns" field. 

New Column Name: The name field of the new column cannot be left empty. After naming the column it can be added to the report. The column type must be selected by the user according to the column characteristics. 

In formula calculating window, the functions can be used for calculations and values are defined. 

General Total = INVOICE TOTAL + TOTAL VAT can be written as, 

General Total = Col(8)+Col(11) 

  • When "Numeric" fields are calculated, the new column type must be "Numeric". When new column type is selected wrongly, the application warns the user with "Error while calculating" message.


Updating: Used to make changes on the column you added before. The column type cannot be changed. 

Formula Usage: 


In addition to standard functions, three functions can be used here. 

The usages of these three functions: 

COL(): Takes the data specified in related column by parameters into order. 

CELL(,): It has two parameters. First one points out the columns and second one points out the lines. For example CELL(2,5) means, second column's fifth line. 

ROW(): Used as a counter increasing in each line. ROW(0) is the default. It can be used with CELL command. 

Example: After adding a field as "General Total" in sales invoice list report, when the user wants to list "INVOICE TOTAL" field line totals, the formula should be written as below: 

Formula Calculation: Col(8)+CELL(21,ROW(-1)) 

Col(8): The "INVOICE TOTAL" column located among the columns. 

CELL(21,ROW(-1)): 21 – Number of the "General Total" column (that will be added). ROW(-1) is the previous line info (the line before the 21). 

Grouping Feature: Grouping is used to group specific data according to selected column(s). 

"Drag a column header here to group by that column" option is used for grouping the data. 

In order to see group details "+" keys are used. "Expand all Groups", "Contract all Groups" options of the right click menu are used to expand / contract the groups. 

  • When calculation will be done basis on groups, the function type is selected by right mouse button menu options. It is possible to do the calculation basis on a single line in a group.

Show Group Bottom Info Always: When groups are narrowed after grouping total fields are added, in order to display the total info you can use "Show Group Bottom Info Always" option located in the right mouse button menu. 

Calculating Functions: Total, average, maximum and minimum values can be calculated for a specific column. The column to be calculated and the calculation process are selected by Calculation Function part. When you select "Add" the calculation result is displayed under the related column. In order to remove the result you can use "Delete" option when the cursor is on the related column. 

Besides, when you want to calculate only some lines in a column, use "Only Calculate Selected Lines" option located in the right mouse button menu. When you select this option the application calculates only the selected lines and updates the calculation every time when your selection is changed. 

If "Empty Spaces will not be Included in Calculation" is selected, the empty lines are not included to the calculation functions. For example, when the average of a column is calculated, the empty lines are included to the average calculation with "0" value. But if you select "Empty Spaces will not be Included in Calculation" option, these empty lines are not included to the average of the column. 

Save/Load Design: This option is used in order to retake a table report in same format again after some updates. 


Save To File / Load from File: When the report is saved by using "Save To File" option, the table report design is written to disc as "TRL" extended file. The "TRL" extended file that is written to outside can be taken inside in same company or in another one by using "Load from File" option. 


Save Design: When the table report design is saved without using "Save To File" option, it is written to "L_TABLELAYS_001" company extended table in database. 



  • When the user takes the same report with new additional data, the table design doesn't change; only the content is updated.
  • The design saving comprises column groups, filters, sorting, totals, the additional columns and graphics.
  • When the table report is recorded by using "Save To File" option after some updates, it can be saved as Excel, HTML or XML file.

Extending the Groups' Contents: If the table report contains Grouping feature, it can be saved by using "Contents of Groups must be Extended" option to extend the groups' contents. 

Only Save Selected Lines: If user wants to save only some selected lines in a table report, after selecting "Only Save Selected Lines" option, the lines to be recorded are selected by mouse then the report is saved. 


  • The report can be saved as HTML and XML by using File Type option.

Printer: The table report can be printed by using "Printer" option located at the top of the window. 

Page Setup: You can customize your report design by selecting options in the Page Setup dialog box. 

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