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Order slips, dispatches and invoices used to record export to abroad transactions are recorded using Invoice and Details options. The invoice window consists of three main panes in terms of recorded information. These are the following sections:

  • Invoice/slip heading info
  • Invoice/slip line info
  • Invoice/slip bottom info

Invoice Heading Info

The field is located at the upper pane of the slip entry window and is used to record general slip information. General information refers to information that is common to all materials or services to be recorded on the slip. For example, slip number, slip date, document number, division and warehouse information is related to the slip but does not vary depending on material transactions. 

Invoice Number: The tracking number of the slip. 

Slip Date: The date of transaction. The Slip date field is mandatory. 

Time: Indicates the time in which the transaction is recorded. 

Document Number: The number of the transaction document. An alphanumeric field of 8 characters long. Documents from different companies may have the same number. Slips are not sorted by document number. Therefore, more than one slip may have the same document number. 

AR/AP Code: The AR/AP code of the transaction. 

AR/AP Title: The AR/AP title of the transaction. 

Payments: The payment plan code to be applied to the slip bottom. If a payment plan is specified in the AR/AP for the AR/AP transaction, it is transferred into this field as default. Can be changed if the slip or invoice will be closed according to a different payment plan. 

Trading Group: The trading group code of the slip or invoice. Trading Groups are listed and a selection is made. If a trading group is specified on the AR/AP of the slip, this value is displayed as default. This data can be changed if necessary. 

Group Company Transaction: Indicates that the transaction will be used in consolidated financial tables. 

Division: A physical location that is connected to the headquarters of a company or organization, and that independently manages its own commercial transactions. This field is used to associate the purchasing transactions or purchase orders with one of the defined Divisions of the company. 

Department: Activities or activity groups within an organization, which are independent from each other in terms of organization and accounting. This field is used to associate the transaction with one of the defined departments of the company. 

Plant: This field is used to associate the transaction with one of the defined plants of the company. 

Warehouse: The locations that are used to store the company's goods or used for other purposes (such as scrap or production) are called Warehouses. Warehouses are specified in connection with the Company or Division definitions. This field is used to specify the warehouse of the slip or invoice.

Warehouse can be entered either for the slip bottom or for the transaction on the line. In this way, transactions of the same AR/AP with different warehouses can be recorded on a single slip. To do so, "Yes" option must be checked on "Change the Slip Lines Warehouse Info" line of the Sales and Distribution Parameters. By doing so, the warehouse information of the material on the line can be recorded on the Warehouse field.

The Material Management Parameters are used to specify whether or not Division, Warehouse and Plant control will be performed during transactions. If the Division/Plant/Warehouse check is performed, the relevant Warehouse code is displayed on the warehouse field when the Division and plant is specified. If the Division works with multiple warehouses, the relevant warehouse is selected on the Warehouse field. If the check is not performed, all defined warehouses are listed and a selection is made. 

Aux. Code: A secondary code field used to classify slips. Contains 10 characters. The Aux. Code is used to classify slips by company specific criteria. The user can use this field to record any necessary information that is not included in the slip. 

Authorization Code: Used to define detailed authorizations. The string is 10 characters long. Each user may be authorized to use different records depending on job definitions. A planning process must be performed for detailed authorization definitions. First, slips to be accessed or processed by each user or user group should be specified. Then, separate authorization codes are assigned to slip groups accessible by each authorization group. Slip based encryption can be performed by authorization code. In this way, only the users who log in with the specified authorization code can access and process the slips. 

Sales Representative Code: Used to establish invoice/slip - sales representative connections. 

Distribution Order Number: This field is used to specify the distribution order of the slip or invoice if the Distribution system is used. 

Lot Number: The field used to display the lot number of the slip bottom. If supplier-based tracking is used, this field displays the lot number assigned to slip bottom. The parameters of the Administration section are used to specify whether or not supplier-based tracking will be used. 

Project Code: The project information related to the transaction. 

Operation Status: Indicates the status of the transaction. 

Invoice Lines 

Type: Indicates the line type. 

Material/Service Code: The code of the material or service processed on the line. The application supports the use of barcodes in material input and output transactions. If barcode is used, material code entry is not necessary. The Material selection can be made using a barcode reader. 

Material/Service Description: The description of the material or service. When the Code field is entered in, the description of the material or service is automatically displayed on this field. 

Variant Code/Description: The field used to track the material variant code if the line transaction is performed for a variant material. When the Code field is filled in, the material variant description is automatically transferred into this field. 

When multiple configurable materials are selected in slip or invoice, user will be warned about the lines for which a variant is not selected while saving the slip, in case there are lines of which variant code is not specified. These lines are listed in green in slip or invoice. A new window opens, and materials of which variant codes are not specified are listed here. When clicked on Save Slip button, these lines are deleted and slip is saved. 

Quantity: This column is used to indicate the number of unit inputs and outputs from the related material or service. If the barcode reader is used, the Quantity field is automatically updated when a material barcode is read.

Unit: This field is used to specify the unit used for the input or output transaction. The transactions related to materials and services received are recorded using any of the units defined in the Material or Service records. The Main Unit specified on the card is transferred to the slip as default. A separate barcode can be defined for each Unit in the Materials. In this case, the unit selection is made by the application according to the number received by the barcode reader. 

FOB Unit Price: The FOB unit price of the material or service. The unit price is entered into this field. The unit price options are listed by clicking "List" button. One of the defined price, average price, last purchase or sales price, last purchase/sales proposal price, average of on hand, average of inputs, periodic average, LIFO and FIFO cost value options can be selected for materials. For services received, the defined price and last purchase price can be selected. 

Unit Price: The unit price of the material or service depending on the delivery method selected on the export info field. This field is not for data entry. The amount is automatically displayed as a result of freight and insurance amounts added according to the delivery method. 

FOB Unit Price in F. Currency: The FOB unit price in foreign currency of the material or service. The unit price in the selected currency is recorded on the Currency type field. 

Unit Price in F. Currency: The unit price in foreign currency of the material or service depending on the delivery method selected on the export info field. This field is not for data entry. The amount is automatically displayed as a result of freight and insurance amounts added according to the delivery method. 

Foreign Currency Type: This field is used to specify the currency if the transactions in the slip or invoice line are recorded and billed using a different currency than the Local Currency. The currency type to be applied to the lines is specified in the Currency Type field.

Currency types are listed, and the appropriate option is selected. 

%: The discount percentage to be applied to the line. 

FOB Amount: The transaction amount depending on the FOB delivery method on the line. This value is automatically calculated and transferred into the field by the application using the Quantity and the Unit Price

Amount: The transaction amount depending on the delivery method on the line. This value is automatically calculated and transferred into the field by the application using the Quantity and the Unit Price

FOB Amount in F. Currency: The FOB transaction amount on the line. This value is automatically calculated and transferred into the field by the application using the Quantity and the Unit Price

Amount in F. Currency: The transaction amount depending on the delivery method on the line. This value is automatically calculated and transferred into the field by the application using the Quantity and the Unit Price

IPL: The field used to select the IPL to which the material on the line will be included and the committed material pertaining to this IPL. 

IPL Remaining Quantity: The field indicating the remaining quantity of committed material pertaining to the IPL after deducting the line material quantity. 

IPL Remaining Amount: The field indicating the remaining amount of committed material pertaining to the IPL after deducting the line material amount. 

IPL Remaining Amount in F. Currency: The field used to display the remaining material amount in foreign currency. 

IPL Parity: If the currency types of the selected IPL and the material on the invoice line are different, this field is used to convert the material's currency to IPL's currency. 

Eximbank Credit: The field used to select the Eximbank Credit to which the material on the line will belong, and the material of the Eximbank Credit. 

Eximbank Credit Remaining Quantity: The field indicating the remaining quantity of the Eximbank Credit material after deducting the line material quantity. 

Eximbank Credit Remaining Amount: The field indicating the remaining quantity of the Eximbank Credit material after deducting the line material quantity. 

Eximbank Credit Remaining Amount in F. Currency: The field indicating the remaining amount of the Eximbank Credit material in foreign currency after deducting the line material quantity. 

Eximbank Parity: If the currency types of the selected Eximbank Credit and the material on the invoice line are different, this field is used to convert the material's currency to the Credit's currency. 

Producer Company Code: The field used to enter the code of the company producing the exported material. 

Producer Company Name: The field used to enter the name of the company producing the exported material. 

Inspection Result: The field used to display the information resulting from inspections. 

Transaction Aux. Code 1/2: Used to group the slip lines, filter a group of information during report generation and to display the totals of the grouped information. The user can use this field to record any necessary information that is not included in the slip. The Aux. Code on the line is different from the Aux. Code located at the top of the slip. The Aux. Codelocated at the top is a code pertaining to the slip bottom, while the Aux. Code on the line is used to group transactions. Filtering can be done by Transaction Aux. Code information in all slip reports. However, the application does not sort the slips by Transaction Aux. Code. 

Delivery Code: The delivery date of the material. 

Fixed Asset Record: The field used to display the fixed asset record information if the transaction on the line is linked to fixed asset records. 

Order Slip Number: The Order Number field. 

Order Date: The Order Date field. 

Payment Method: The payment method applied to the transaction on the line. If a payment plan code is specified in the received service or material definition, the Payment Plan Code is transferred as default into the field when the material or service is selected.

This can be changed if a different plan will be applied. 

Description: The description of the transaction in the line. An alphanumeric field of 30 characters long. 

Sales Representative Code: The code of the sales representative performing the sales transaction. 

Project Code: The project code related to the transaction on the line. 

Warehouse: Indicates the warehouse of the transaction in the line. Data can be entered if Yes is selected on "Update slip lines warehouse info" line of the purchase and sales distribution parameters. 

Slip General Info

This field is located at the bottom of the slip/invoice window and displays the total amount of the transaction lines entered on the slip. The currency type to be used in the slip bottom and lines is specified. Line transactions are recorded using the currency type specified here. 

The fields at the bottom of the export invoice are used to record currency types applied to slip bottom and lines and to track the totals. The Currency Type is separately specified for the Slip Bottom and slip lines. The currency type to be applied to slip bottom contains the following options: 

  • Reporting Currency
  • Transaction Currency
  • EURO

The currency type to be applied for the slip line transactions is specified in the Lines section. Unit price information for line transactions is recorded using the following options: 

  • Local Currency
  • Reporting Currency
  • Transaction Currency
  • EURO
  • Pricing Currency

If a selection other than Local Currency is made, the Unit Price information of the transactions recorded in the lines is specified in the Unit Price in F. Currency field by selecting the Currency Type. The total surcharge, discount, general total, total VAT and net total information pertaining to the slip bottom is tracked in Local Currency and the currency selected for slip bottom. 

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