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Information to be included in Web page is saved along with customers' contact info, company's financial details, campaigns to be applied and other links by using Web Page Designs. Web Page Designs option is located under Management menu of System Administration program section.
In order to make new designs or make changes upon available designs, the relevant menu options stated below are used.


It is used to add a new design.


It is used to make changes in design info.


It is used to delete designs.


It is used to view design info. You can not make changes on definition information by using this option.


It is used to copy definition info.

Record Info

It shows by whom and when the first and last changes are made on design.

Multiple Delete

It is used to delete selected records in batch.


It is used to refresh Web Page Designs list.

Back to Defaults

It is used to display window dimensions in defined standards while using the application.

It is saved by using the following options located in Web page designs window:  

  • General Info
  • Announcements
  • Campaigns
  • Links
  • Financial Tables 

General Info 

You can save information concerning the company to which design belongs and web page content information as well in General Info tab. 
Company number: It is the number of Company to which Web Page belongs. Recorded companies are listed and company that will be using web page is selected. 
Name and title of the selected company are transferred to the relevant fields.   

Communication Info 

Address, telephone, fax etc information saved in General Info tab of Company Definition window is transferred to the fields located in Communication Info. You will not be able to enter data directly in these fields.

Content Info 

Content information that will be displayed in web page is saved in this section. Details to be included in web page are selected by checking the required content info option. 

Introduction Text option located in Web Page Designs window is used to prepare data for home page with page editor application of LOGO.
History information of companies is also prepared with page editor application of LOGO by using Add History option. 


Announcements to be displayed in web page are saved in Announcements tab located in Web Page Designs window. 

Campaigns to be applied by the company are saved in Campaigns tab located in Web Page Designs window. 
When you click on "…" icon in File Path field, you'll be able to prepare campaign information in the required format by using page editor application. 

Other web addresses accessed via web page are saved in Links tab located in Web Page Designs window. 

Financial Tables 

If company's financial tables will be included in web page, the relevant tables are saved in Financial Tables tab of Web Page Designs window. 

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