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Other company information such as address and financial advisor info is recorded on the window accessed by clicking the Details button located on the company definition window. General company information is recorded on the fields at the top of the window. The following tabs are located at the bottom of the window:

  • General
  • CPA
  • Working Info
  • Employer Info
  • Organizational Web Page Definitions

tabs are located at the bottom of the window. The following information is recorded on the tabs:

Organization Chart: It is the organization chart of the firm. By the Organization Chart option located in the Management menu of the System

Administration, organization charts are defined and the relevant chart is selected for the firm in this field.

Object Table: Used to enter object table to be used for the role.

Data Site: Used for data transfer between the firm's different units located in different regions. Different data site numbers are defined for different units of the firm. By means of these numbers the data transfer is realized faultlessly.


The General tab is used to record the company contact information. Company address information is recorded on the following fields:

  • Road
  • Street
  • Door No.
  • Town
  • City
  • Country
  • Zip Code

Address information is automatically transferred into the related fields of invoices, notes, slips, and official declarations such as VAT Returns. Company phone and fax numbers are recorded on the Phone and Fax Number fields. The tax office and the tax number of the company are displayed on the Tax Office, Tax Office Code and Tax Number fields. The Sec. number of the company is recorded on the Sec Number field.


According to latest legal arrangements, company transactions have to be controlled by a financial advisor. This tab is used to record financial advisor information.

Working Info

The fields on this tab and their relative functions are:

Fiscal Year: The start date of the fiscal year. January of the current year is displayed as default. The start date of the fiscal year can be changed if necessary.

Data files cannot cover more than one year. Fiscal years of companies can be different. For instance, cooperatives use periods of 6 months or shorter rather than yearly records. Furthermore, in companies with numerous transactions, fiscal year definitions may have to be altered since accounts have to be carried over at the end of each period.

Database Language: Indicates the database language of the application.

Base Currency: The legal base currency type used in company transactions. Currency types are listed, and the appropriate option is selected.

Reporting Currency: Indicates the reporting currency type. All transactions are reported and recorded both in local currency and the reporting currency specified on this field. The currency type specified on this field is used in financial tables and reports.

VAT Rounding: Indicates the rounding method to be used when VAT amounts are decimal. This field contains the following options:

  • Not Rounding
  • Nearest Main Unit (Up Rounding)
  • Nearest Sub-Unit (Up Rounding)
  • Smallest Sub-Unit in Circulation

Consolidation Code: It's the consolidation code used by the firm. Consolidation codes are defined with the Consolidation Codes option located in the Global menu of the System Administration.

Separate Exchange Rates Table: Indicates the usage method of the exchange rate table. Foreign currency exchange rates can be maintained using two methods if more than one company is processed: The same exchange rate can be used for all companies, or a separate exchange rate can be recorded for each company. This box is checked if different exchange rate tables will be used for defined companies.

Revision Tracking on Records: This option takes place at Working Info tab of Company Details window in the event of using revision tracking feature. If the records or slips will be tracked by revision system, the box is marked. The records to be tracked are selected by Record

Revision Tracking Parameters option which is located under Definitions menu of Administration program section.

Workdays: This field is used to specify working days of the company. Workdays are checked and selected. All days except Saturday and Sunday are selected as default in the application. Workday controls are performed according to days selected on this field in the LOGO application. Transactions are not recorded on days of the week that are not selected.

Employer Info 

Used to record employee information such as trade registry number, name, surname, T.R. Identification Number and e-mail address.

Organizational Web Page Definitions

Default information required for Web page designs is saved with Organizational Web Page Definitions tab located in Company Details window.

Scope of Business: It indicates company's scope of business. Defined business fields are listed and selected.

Sector: It indicates sectors that company engages in. Defined sectors are listed and selected.

Search Criteria/Key: It indicates search criteria/key to be used while searching via internet.

Connection Settings

Database Name, User Name and Password fields are used to connect to a different data on the same server.
Time Stamp Server Info TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) time stamp user info is entered in this field. It is E-General Ledger (E-Defter) application. 

J-Guar Connection Settings

This window is used to establish connection between the relevant Windows Trading System product and J-Guar HR modules. When all fields are entered, the relevant products are integrated; personnel payments recorded in J-Guar are posted to the G/L in Windows Trading System. The G/L connection codes which will be used in the posting transaction are defined by Personnel G/L Codes option located in G/L

Connection Codes window accessed through the General Ledger > Main Records menu.

There are two significant conditions to perform HR Integration over J-Guar:

1) All fields must be entered in J-Guar Connection Settings window. Otherwise, HR integration already existing between the Windows products will maintain.

2) Division and Department names must be the same both in J-Guar product and the relevant Windows trading system. Otherwise the connection cannot be established.

The relevant fields which are mandatory to establish the connection between Trading System and J-Guar HR are as below:

Server Address: It refers to the server addresses used when connecting to J-Guar.

User Name: It refers to the user name used when connecting to J-Guar.

Password: It refers to the password used when connecting to J-Guar.

Company No / Period No: It refers to the company and period number of J-Guar.

HR Company Code: It refers to the company code specified in employee cards in J-Guar application.
When all fields are entered, the connection is established and the personnel payments can be posted to the G/L.

Note: All records generated with the existing Windows HR - Trading System connection can be displayed and edited.


Parameters to be valid in case of using ISTCELL property are saved in ISTCELL tab of Details page accessed in Company definition window by entering information in the following tabs:

  • Mobile Tracking Settings
  • Invoice Transfer Settings
  • Mobile Informing Settings
  • Mobile Training Settings
  • OTP Settings
  • SMS Settings

By entering password and user name given by the operator you are working with in Mobile Tracking Settings window, you can activate Mobile Tracking system by using "Inquire Mobile Tracking" button. After specifying company name, you can save your mobile tracking settings with "Save" button.

Company information is recorded by clicking on "Save" button.

Functions of the Periods, Departments, Divisions, Plants and Warehouses headers located on the Company Definitions window are:

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