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Procurement lines are located at the bottom pane of the Material Procurement window. When the Material Procurement window is opened for the first time, the procurement transaction can only be deleted and not be changed if the value of the Fulfilled By Procurement column for material lines at the upper pane is zero, in other words, when the line is displayed in green and the related material is available in stock.
The following operations can be performed if quantities delivered through the inventory are insufficient for Material Procurement:
A Warehouse Slip Can Be Issued: In the LOGO application, only the warehouse that will use the material on the line is checked while data is being transferred into the Fulfilled from Stock field. The usage warehouse is read from the Production Order lines. The raw material warehouse is checked. If this warehouse does not contain any materials, other warehouses linked to the plant specified on the Production Order are checked to procure outstanding quantities.
If materials are available in other warehouses related to the plant specified on the Production Order, information related to the Warehouse Slip to be generated is transferred into the procurement lines. Negative inventory level control is performed for the related material. Users can generate this slip, increase the value of the Quantity field as much as the material quantity available in the warehouse, or choose to place orders or generate Production Orders for procurement.
If the warehouse does not contain sufficient quantities, Warehouse Slips can not be issued. That is because reaching negative material levels and the transfer of an inexistent material between warehouses is not logical.
If Serial / Lot / Locations are checked for the material searched in warehouses, first the Serial / Lot / Location information is determined by checking the Serial /Lot Determination Method, Lot / Serial Start Nr., and Default Location parameters. If the Serial / Lot Tracking is used, the Serial / Lot Numbers of actual materials are determined using the Serial / Lot Determination Method. If the Location Control is performed, materials are transferred to the Location default of the related warehouse or to the first Location of the related warehouse if a default value is not defined. Warehouse Slip information can be changed when necessary.
Purchase Order Slip Can Be Issued: A Warehouse Slip can be generated for the whole quantity to be procured, or the outstanding quantity can be delivered using a Warehouse Slip and an Order Slip. In such cases, the Warehouse Slip automatically generated by LOGO application can be deleted or an Order Slip can be generated in addition to the Warehouse Slip. The Approval Info field of generated Order Slip is displayed as Deliverable.
Once materials are procured using Fulfilling from Stock or Warehouse Slip, the LOGO application generates an order transaction on the Material Procurement window if there are still outstanding quantities. What matters is that order transactions are generated for the material that is used the most. Information on this line generated by the application can be modified.
Production Order Can Be Issued: In addition to Warehouse Slips or Order Slips previously generated by the LOGO application for the whole quantity to be procured, a Production Order can be issued or a Production Order can be generated for the outstanding quantity by deleting these slips. A selection can be made from among existing production orders without generating a new Production Order. Production Order selection criteria are:

  1. The status should be Not Started or Work In Process.
  2. Output relations should not be established for the whole planned production quantity.
  3. The related Planned Input from Production Slip Date should be before the Procurement Date.

Fields located in this section and modification conditions are:
Procurement Type: This field contains the Warehouse Slip, Purchase Order and Production Order options. Indicates the procurement method of materials.
New Slip: If checked, indicates that a new slip will be generated. If not, one of the present Order Slips or Production Orders can be used. In this case, pegging connections on Production Order lines for the selected slip type are updated.
Slip Number: Displays the number of the slip displayed on the line. The F10 key is used to access the Order Transactions window when the Procurement Type value is set as Order Slip and to the Production Orders window when the Procurement Type value is set as Production. If the Order Slip is not a new slip, the Slip Number cannot be modified.
Slip Date: Displays the number of the slip displayed on the line.
Line Number (Order): Displays the material line to be used if the slip on the line is an Order Slip.
Warehouse: This option is activated if the slip type selected on the line is Warehouse Slip. Otherwise, this field cannot be modified.
Alternative: The parameter contains Yes and No options. Indicates whether the material on the line is an Alternative material or not.
Material Code / Material Description: Code and description of the related material. Displays the code and description when an Alternative material is selected.
Unit: The unit on the BOM is displayed as default, and can be changed if necessary.
Quantity: Indicates the quantity of the material to be procured. Information displayed as default indicates the outstanding material quantity on each slip type. This quantity can be changed if necessary. When an Order Slip is generated and if the quantity to be procured is 10 and the value entered here is greater than 10, the line value is reflected as 10 on pegging connections.
Slip Quantity: If the New Slip box is not checked and the procurement will be performed through a previous slip, the available quantity of the selected slip is transferred into the Slip Quantity field.
If the slip in question is a Production Order, the Available Quantity can be calculated as follows:
A= Planned Input from Production - Actual Inputs from Production
B= Planned Input from Production – quantity linked to another Production Order or Order Slip
Available Quantity = Min (A, B)
If the slip in question is an Order Slip,
A = Transaction Quantity – Delivered Quantity
B = Transaction Quantity - quantity linked to other Production Orders
Available Quantity = Min (A, B)
AR/AP Code and AR/AP Title: This value can be changed if the value of the Procurement Type field is Purchase Order. Information about the AR/AP with which the order will be placed is entered into these fields.
Planning Method: If the slip selected on the line is a Production Order, the Planning Method information specified on the Production Order is transferred into this field and cannot be changed.
Bill of Materials Code: If the slip selected on the line is a Production Order, the BOM Code information specified on the Production Order is transferred into this field.
Revision Code: If the slip selected on the line is a Production Order, the Revision Code information specified on the Production Order is transferred into this field.
Slip Aux. Code: The Aux. Code required to be recorded on the Order Slip, Warehouse Slip, or Production Order to be generated is entered into this field.
Slip Authorization Code: The Authorization Code required to be recorded on the Order Slip, Warehouse Slip, or Production Order to be generated is entered into this field.
Line Aux. Code: The Line Aux. Code required to be recorded on the Order Slip, Warehouse Slip, or Production Order to be generated is entered into this field.
Important: A Quantity check is performed while procurement transactions are being entered in order to create proper Input and Output connections. The total of input connections to be generated for an Input material cannot be greater than the required quantity. Therefore, the Input connection limit is checked while procurement transactions are being added, and lines are not allowed to be added if the limit is exceeded. Warehouse transactions are not subject to this control.
For example, if the required quantity is 20 units and a procurement transaction of 15 units is added, it is possible to create a further connection of 20-15=5 units. Thus, the LOGO application allows other procurement transactions to be entered. However, once a second procurement transaction consisting of 6 units is entered, it is not possible to add another Production Order or Order line. The reason of this rule is that input connections are completed for the whole requirement quantity once an input connection of 5 units is created for the second procurement transaction. This check is also performed while slips are generated, and a warning message is displayed when the Input connection limit is exceeded.
If outstanding slips are attempted to be generated before procurement transactions are completed, "There are outstanding materials. Do you want to continue?" warning message is displayed. When "OK" button is clicked, the Material Procurement operation is recorded as is. When Cancel button is clicked instead, the operation is not recorded.
Quantities of materials fulfilled from stock are displayed in blue on the Procurement Transactions window. These lines cannot be modified, but can be deleted by pressing the Shift and Del keys. This means that materials are to be procured without using materials in the warehouse.
Important: If the BOM of the product for which a material will be procured contains an SFG, the Material Procurement operation is applied only to Input materials specified on the bill of material, and only the materials constituting the Pseudo Semi Finished Good are displayed in material procurement.

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