The report is used to display AR/AP debts and payments in batch, and to track average payment and delay periods, and current due date differences. The Debt Tracking Report is connected to the payment/collection system. A Payment Plan Code is assigned to records and transactions, in order to perform collections in accordance with the plan. The value and due date difference rates are also specified on the Payment Plan. The filter options of the Debit Tracking report are:




Currency types

Transactions of Sub-Accounts

List / Do Not List

AR/AP Code

Group / Range

AR/AP Title

Group / Range

AR/AP Status

Active / Inactive

AR/AP Aux. Code (1-5)

Group / Range

AR/AP Auth. Code

Group / Range

AR/AP Card Type

Supplier / Customer / Supplier+Customer / Association

Trading Group

Group / Range

Report Date

Date entry

Match Date

Date entry

Debt Closing

No Proceeding / Close Outstandings / Close All


Actual / Debt Closing

Consider Option Date

Yes / No

Due Date

Date entry

Optional Due Date

Date entry

AR/AP Slip Aux. Code

Group / Range

Check / P. Note Slip Aux. Code

Group / Range

Bank Slip Aux. Code

Group / Range

Safe Deposit Transaction Aux. Code

Group / Range

Purchase Invoice Aux. Code

Group / Range

Sales Invoice Aux. Code

Group / Range

Org. Unit

Group / Range

Line Related Organizational Unit

Defined Organizational Units


Defined departments

Interest on Delay

Value entry

Prepayment Interest %

Value entry

Transaction Date

Date entry

Salesperson Code

Group / Range

Salesperson Description

Group / Range

Reference Date

Date entry

Consider Overdue Debts Closed on Reference Date

Yes / No

Use Specific Interest Table by AR/AP

Yes / No