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The Order Transfer (transactions) option located in the right mouse button menu is used to transfer the orders to the dispatch or invoice through the order transactions. The Order Transfer filter window is displayed, and the requested conditions are set in the filter lines. The filter options are:



Order Transfer Type

Material Orders / Material Class Orders

Order Date

Start / End

Order No.

Group / Range

Slip Aux. Code

Group / Range

Slip Authorization Code

Group / Range

Document No.

Group / Range


Defined plants

Department No.

Defined departments

Warehouse No.

Defined warehouses

Material (Class) Code

Group / Range

Material (Class) Description

Group / Range

Variant Code

Group / Range

Variant Description

Group / Range

Service Code

Group / Range

Service Description

Group / Range

Transaction Type

Material Transactions / Service Transactions


Group / Range

Transaction Aux. Code

Group / Range

Transaction Aux. Code 2

Group / Range

Delivery Code

Group / Range

Payment/Collection Plan Code

Group / Range

Trading Group

Group / Range

Procurement Date

Start / End

Delivery Address Code

Group / Range

Delivery Address Description

Group / Range

Sales Representative Code

Group / Range

Payment Type

Without Prepayment / Prepayment

Project Code

Group / Range

The order transactions matching the conditions specified in the filter lines are listed. The material or material class orders to be transferred into the dispatches and invoices are selected.
In the LOGO application, the Order Transactions list displays only the slips for which the Approval Info is Deliverable.
The orders can be transferred in batch to dispatches or invoices. This transaction is performed using the Group Selection option of the Order Transfer list. The filter window is opened for the orders to be transferred to be specified, and the conditions are set in the filter lines. The order lines matching these conditions are checked in batch, and transferred into the dispatch or invoice lines when the Transfer button is clicked.
The order information transferred into the dispatch or invoice can be changed. If the order is partially billed, the billed part is specified on the Quantity column. The remaining part is billed later.

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