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The Vendor Code is the code of the processed material in the vendor. The material codes of the company are usually different from the code of the manufacturers. In this case, the company material code corresponding to the vendor's material code must be found when the invoices and receipts are recorded. These transactions are time consuming and open to errors. The vendor code kept under the material Record as a second material code helps this problem to be solved.
The information of the materials processed in the Purchase Orders, Purchase Receipts and Purchase Invoices are recorded by entering the vendor material code as well. In this way, the company's material definition can be easily reached using the vendor's material code when the slips or invoices are recorded. The Vendor Code Entry option located in the right mouse button menu of the Purchase Order Slip is used to select materials by Vendor Code. The code and description of the Material for which the vendor code is entered is transferred into the Code and Description fields.

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