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Used to apply more then one discount to the transaction in the line. There are 5 additional discount lines. If "Apply to all lines" option is selected, the additional discounts are applied to all lines in order slip.

It is possible to close the additional discount lines for a material / service line in a slip by using Alt – F7 keys. When you click Alt – F7 keys on a material line in slip, all the additional lines are closed and the material / service line is seem as if any discount not applied to that line. There will be no discount info on the line that is displayed as bold. The applied discounts total is displayed in a hint when you position the arrow on the amount field of a material or service.

When Alt – F7 keys are used again on a line, all the additional discount lines will be opened again.

If discounts to be applied as additional discount are to be net discounts, the "Net Discount" box at the top is marked. Net discount is the discount applied without including VAT. The figure entered in the Assumed VAT Rate field is used to calculate how much of the VAT to be calculated on the discount will be added to the Line VAT.

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