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Discounts or Surcharges can be applied to the transaction in the slip or invoice line, or to the slip bottom. The surcharges and discounts to be applied to the transaction in the line are recorded right under the relevant line by selecting discount or surcharge as the line type. The discount lines applied to the slip or invoice bottom are recorded under the section separated with a line. The discounts and surcharges are recorded as 

  • Amount,
  • Rate or,
  • Formula.

The formula definitions are made in the discount and surcharge records. 

The priorities of the discounts and surcharges to be applied are specified in the Sales Condition definitions, and applied to the transaction in line. The calculation methods of the discounts and surcharges are tracked using the check sign in the Unit field of the slip. The amount, rate and formula are displayed with TL, % and f(x) icons respectively. 

The discounts and surcharges can be tracked under a separate G/L account or by being reflected to the cost of material.

Tracking of the Discounts and Surcharges

The tracking method for the discounts and surcharges is specified using the Sales and Distribution Parameters option of the Administration module. The Discounts and Surcharges filter options of the Sales and Distribution Parameters include the following options: 

  • Cost of Material
  • Post to G/L Account

When Cost of Material is selected, the discounts and surcharges applied are reflected to the cost of material. In this case, the discounts and surcharges applied to the slip bottom are distributed to the materials in the lines according to their weight. 

When Post to G/L Account is selected, each discount and surcharge can be tracked under a separate G/L account. Since they are tracked under G/L Accounts, they do not affect the material costs. 

The G/L codes of sales discounts and sales surcharges are recorded using the G/L Connection Codes located under the Main Records menu of the General Ledger section, or from the records. The G/L codes assigned are transferred as default into the slips and invoices. 
Discounts and surcharges are not applied to deposit lines of the Sales dispatches and invoices. The discounts and surcharges applied to the slip line or slip bottom can be recorded by entering amounts or rates. The line type is specified as - for discount and + for surcharge. If the discount and surcharge will be specified as amount, the surcharge or discount amount is directly typed into the field. If the discount and surcharge will be specified as percentages, the rate is recorded in the % field. 

Applying Discounts and Surcharges

Conditions and methods of applying discounts and surcharges to be valid for slips (general) or transactions in lines of order slips, dispatches/receipts and invoices used in purchasing/sales transactions are saved in formula fields located in discount and surcharge definition cards. Defined discounts and surcharges are used to insert formula and discount application rules used in the calculation of applied discounts. Thereby, in case the same discounts are applied as a result of a contract made with a seller, these standard discounts will be available to apply automatically. Discounts and surcharges belonging to the transaction in line are saved right under the relevant line. Discounts, surcharges and promotions belonging to the slip in general are saved in the section separated with double lines. 

In order to apply discount and/or surcharges to be valid for the transaction in line or slip in general, line type is determined first. 

  • For discounts, line type is selected as Discount.
  • For surcharges, line type is selected as Surcharge.

In purchasing/sales slips and invoices, discount and surcharge can not be applied in deposit lines. Discount and surcharges are applied to the slip or transaction in line by giving a definition code or selecting from the list of defined discounts and surcharges. According to the definition made in card, calculated discount and surcharge amount are displayed in amount field and total discount field located at the bottom of the slip automatically. Fx sign located in unit field indicates that defined cards are used while entering these discounts and surcharges and amount is calculated according to the formula specified in these cards. 

Discount and Surcharges as Amount or Rate 

Discounts and surcharges belonging to the slip or the material/service displayed in slip line are saved by giving amount or rate directly. Line type is specified first. "-" character is used for discount, while "+" character is used for surcharge. If discount and surcharge will be given in amount, surcharge and/or discount amount are written directly. If discount and/or surcharge will be given in percentage, discount rate is saved in "%" field. 

You can check whether this discount and/or surcharge applied to the slip or line is made over the amount or rate by looking at unit field. Unit fields of discounts and surcharges processed by entering amount are displayed in "TL". If discounts or/and surcharges are calculated over a certain rate, "%" character is displayed in unit field.

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