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The option is located in the right mouse button menu while the Seller line is selected on the salespersons list. In the sales and salesperson tracking system, the turnover targets for a specific date range, turnover by item group targets, quantity targets and the limits of the discounts and surcharges allowed for these sales are recorded for each salesperson.
The menu options and functions used in the Sales Target window are as follows:


Used to define a new sales target record.


Used to modify sales target information.


Used to view the sales target information without making changes.


Used to create a new record by copying the sales target information.


Used to delete sales target record.

Multiple Delete

Used to delete the selected sales target records in batch.

Record Information

Indicates the users who performed the entry and update transactions of the selected record and the time of these transactions.

Number of Records

Displays the number of recorded sales target records.


Used to refresh the sales target list.

Back to Defaults

Used to display the active window with the standard dimensions defined in the application.

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