Sürümde Yer Alan Yenilikler

Key Product Public Description



Interest, BITT, RUSF, expense and commission amounts of credit payment transactions will be distributed to assets through the "Expense Distribution to Assets" option added to the bank slips. Distributed amounts will be reflected in the expense cost of the asset. Thus, it is possible to track the costs incurred by credit repayment in the assets received using the credit.


The Interest Distribution to Assets option has been added to the F9 menu options of the purchase contracts linked to leasing.  It has been ensured that the interest amount calculated for the first year is displayed in the acquisition cost of the assets to which the interest is allocated when the commissioning operation is performed through the contract.


The balances in foreign currency can be tracked through the currency info added to the "Finance Management/Definitions/AR/AP/Send(Letter)" design.


The "Closings After Reference Date" option has been added to "Finance Management/Payment / Collection Reports/Debt Aging Report" filters. It has been ensured that the records closed after the reference date are considered open or closed according to the filter options.



The numbering template for the progress payments will be defined with the "Purchase Progress Payment No/ Sales Progress Payment No" options added under the "Record Numbering Template/Purchase-Sales Management" headings. Progress payments generated based on the contract will be numbered according to the defined numbering template.



It is required to select which company the shipping agent belongs in the "Company" field added to the "Shipping Agent Company" card. It is possible to select from the shipping agents of the company working on the product side. Shipping agents that are not defined for the company will not be included in the list.



The Occupational Groups option has been added to "System Settings/Definitions/Administration" menu. Occupational groups defined using this feature can be used in the "AR/AP" card "Occupational Codes" tab.



The Payment-Collection Slip Generation Date option has been added to "System Settings Default and Parameters/Sales Management/Defaults/General". According to the value of the parameter, the date of the slip of the payment/collection transactions will be imported from the "Due Date" of the related transaction or the "System Date" in the product by default.



The Lock Record feature has been added to purchase requests, tender files, Purchase Proposals, tender proposals, and Purchase Contracts right-click menu options. Operation will not be allowed on the records locked using this feature.



It has been ensured that a progress payment created for the contract is associated with multiple invoices. All invoices of the progress payment will be accessible through the "Progress Payments/Related Records/Progress Payment Invoices" option. Depending on the value of the Progress Payment Amount Control When Saving Progress Payment Invoice parameter, the required amount checks will also be performed on the invoices of the progress payment.



After the delivered quantity through the "Remaining Quantity" column added to the purchase requests, the remaining quantity information in the demand will be tracked.



The "Cancel Demand Quantities Without Delivery Proposal?" check window opened in the demand delivery operation is used by the parameter. Depending on the parameter value,

  • Demand quantities with no proposal will be canceled or without exiting the alert window, or
  • Demand quantities without proposal will be canceled without exiting the warning window or
  • The alert window will open as in the existing structure and the cancellation status will be determined by the user selection.



The Transfer Unit Price When Transferring Requirement List to Proposals parameter has been added to "System Settings Default and Parameters/Purchase Management/Parameters/General". Depending on the value of the parameter, it is possible to determine whether the unit price value is transferred when transferring the requirement list to the proposals.



It has been ensured that the information in the contract is reflected in the "Remaining Progress Payment Quantity" and "Remaining Amount" fields in the contracts for which the Progress Payment invoice is not generated.


The Description field has been added to the Appropriation Allocations, Appropriation Transfer and Deduction operations performed under the "Budget Management/Transactions" heading. Detailed information on the Operations can be followed in this field.



The "Those with Zero Balance" option has been added to the "Bank Status Report" filters. It has been ensured that the accounts that do not balance are not displayed in the report as a result of the report.



The Organizational Unit Description field has been added to the dunning letter design variables.



It has been ensured to access the "Document Catalog" info of the operation opened with "Record View" in "Approval Tasks" browser.

Sürümde Yer Alan İyileştirmeler

Key Product Public Description



It has been ensured that the appropriation allocation controls of the relevant budget item are performed while saving the demand slip related to the budget through the analysis detail.



It has been ensured that the operation can be performed only for the authorized companies by checking the user authorization on "System Settings Default and Parameters/Default and Parameter Management" screen.


It has been ensured that the report is received by filtering for the records with a VAT rate of zero when entering the "0 (zero)" value in the "VAT Report/VAT Rate (%)" filter. Shift+space should be selected in the VAT Rate filter to filter when the product is not used in HTML.


It has been ensured that the user authorizations are checked in all reports in the "Audit Reports" module. Accordingly, in the report filters and report outputs, the user will be able to see only the information of the companies in which it is authorized.



It has been ensured to check the user authorizations in "System Settings/Operations/Data Transfer to Companies" feature. Thus, the operation can be started only for the authorized companies.



It has been ensured that the transaction amount related to the budget is displayed in the budget actual value when the reporting currency is the same as the budget currency in foreign currency.



It has been ensured that the AR/AP transactions where the "Opening" record is generated on the G/L slip are displayed in the "Finance Management/AR/AP Reports/AR/AP Foreign Currency Totals" report.