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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Purchase contract information is entered using the New option in Purchase Contracts browser. Purchase Contract info is entered under the following tabs in Purchase Contract definition window.

  • General Info
  • Assets List
  • Other
  • Advances and Back Payments
  • Notes

Slip No: Tracking number of the contract in system. Both letters and numbers can be used while assigning the slip number. Slips are listed by their slip number. Slip No is a mandatory field.
Slip Date: Indicates the relevant date on which the contract is signed. It is a mandatory field. Slips are also listed by their dates.
Hour: Recording time of the contract definition.
Auxiliary Code: Auxiliary code of the purchase contract.
Authorization Code: Authorization code of the purchase contract.
Level: Indicates the level of the contract. The existing contract statuses are listed and the relevant status is selected.
Start/End Date: Indicates the start and end dates of the contract.
Registry Number: Indicates the registry number of employee who placed the contract. All existing employees are listed and the relevant employee is selected. The selected employee's name, surname and department information is transferred to the relevant fields.


Shipment information is entered under this heading.
Control Type: Indicates how to control transfer of contracts to order, dispatch/receipt and invoice. The options are:

  • Amount Control
  • Quantity Control
  • Amount + Quantity Control
  • Do not control


Asset List
Assets, which will be procured by Leasing Contract, are entered under the Assets List tab of Purchase Contract definition window.
Type: Indicates the asset category information. When the proposal number is selected in leasing contract, asset type will be transferred to this field automatically, and it cannot be changed.
Code: Indicates the code of the relevant asset, which will be procured by leasing contract.
Description: Indicates the description of the relevant asset, which will be procured by leasing contract. When the proposal number is selected in leasing contract, asset description will be transferred to this field automatically, and it cannot be changed.
Quantity: Indicates the quantity of the asset, which will be procured. When the proposal number is selected in leasing contract, it is transferred to this automatically, and it cannot be changed.
Unit: Indicates the relevant unit over which the asset will be processed. When the proposal number is selected in leasing contract, it is transferred to this automatically, and it cannot be changed.
Unit Price: Indicates the unit price of the asset. When the proposal number is selected in leasing contract, it is transferred to this automatically, and it cannot be changed.
Unit Price (PC): Indicates the unit price of the asset in pricing currency.
Currency: Indicates the relevant currency over which the transaction in line is calculated. All existing currency types are listed and the relevant type is selected.
Exchange Rate: Indicates the exchange of the pricing currency. Daily exchange rate appears in this field automatically. If a different exchange rate value is to be used, daily exchange rates are listed to select the required exchange rate.
%: In slip lines of Discount type, the relevant discount rate is entered in this field in percent.
VAT Rate (%): Indicates the VAT rate, which will apply for the transaction in line. VAT rate is not entered for contracts of General type.
VAT Included: Indicates whether the unit price is VAT inclusive. If it is, then the VAT Included box is checked.
Amount: Indicates the transaction amount in line. It is calculated automatically by the application over Quantity and Unit Price, and then transferred to the field.
Amount (PC): Indicates the transaction amount in line over pricing currency. It is calculated automatically by the application over Quantity and Unit Price (PC), and then transferred to the field.
Control Type: Indicates the control type for the line. The options are:

  • Amount Control
  • Quantity Control
  • Amount + Quantity Control
  • Do not control


The G/L slip type is selected to post the accruals of leasing transaction to the General Ledger module. Main, Second and Third Chart of Accounts options are listed. Attention!

A second contract cannot be entered for the leasing record until the period of the current contract ends. When users attempts to add a new contract using the New option in Leasing Records browser > Attached Records > Contracts browser.

Commissioning Leasing Assets
After signing and approving Leasing Contract, the asset must be commissioned due to the obligation of amortization of the leasing asset. In order to do so, the Asset Management > Transactions > Asset Transactions slips are used.
"Contract No" field is located in the Commissioning Slips, Decommissioning Slips and Allocation Slips that are recorded in Asset Management > Asset Transactions. This field opens Purchase Contracts browser, listing all "Approved" contracts transferred from leasing records. When the required purchase contract is selected, assets, which are selected under the Assets List tab of the contract, are transferred to the relevant slip.
For more information see. Asset Management Commissioning Slip, Decommissioning Slip, Allocation Slips.
