Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

The order approval status is processed in sales order slips, and the transfer to dispatch or invoice is performed accordingly. Using status options on the order slip also allows the entry of pre-order information as in proforma invoices, preventing the reflection of order quantities on card totals. Order status changes are recorded using the Change Status option located in the right click menu of the Sales orders browser. The status default value is specified in System Settings module > Sales Management Default Values and Parameters. 
The Status Change window lists the following options.

  • Transaction Type
  • Scope of TransactionTransaction 

Image Removed 
The Draft option is checked as default on the Transaction Type field. The status change is performed by selecting the transaction type and then clicking the "OK" button. 
The Scope of Transaction field displays the following options.

  • All Lines
  • User Optional Lines

The "All Lines" option is checked by default and can be changed if necessary. 
When All Lines is selected, the status change is applied to all lines within the order slip. 
If User Optional Lines is selected, filters are used to specify the lines for which the status will be changed. The Status Changes Filters screen is accessed by clicking the "Next" button after selecting "User Optional Lines". 

The Status Changes filter options are:




Material / Service / Material Set / Asset / Material Class

Material / Service Code

Group / Range

Material / Service Description

Group / Range

Delivery Date

Start / End


Group / Range

Once the conditions are specified on the filter lines, the Next button is clicked, and the Transactions window is displayed. The Transactions window lists Order Slip lines matching the filter criteria with date, type, code, description, quantity, unit, unit price and warehouse information. When the lines of the order slip are approved by clicking the OK button, status change is performed on lines with specified transaction type. 

Order Status Options 
When the Status is "Draft" or "Confirmed", quantities on the slip lines do not affect materials/service totals. The Orders in "Draft" or "Confirmed" status cannot be transferred into the dispatches or invoices. These records are not processed in order delivery analyses, surplus and detailed order delivery reports. 
When the slip status is to be changed by selecting the user optional lines, the slip status automatically changes to "Approving" when the status of at least one of the slip lines is changed to "Approved". The point to be considered here is not to change the status of all the lines on the slip. 
The status must be approved and approving to transfer orders to dispatches or invoices. The orders with Approved and Approving status cannot be changed to Draft after being transferred into dispatches or invoices. However, in cases that the whole order cannot be delivered, the Approval Info can be changed to Draft or Approved to control the delivery. 
When an order transaction is transferred to a dispatch or invoice with Approved or Confirmed status, the status of the order transaction automatically changes to "Shipping" if the transferred amount total is less than the order transaction amount. 
The status of delivered orders cannot be changed into the "Draft" status. If the dispatch or invoice generated for the order are in Approved status, they cannot be changed into the "Draft" status. Similarly, if the order is in Draft status, the relevant dispatch and invoices cannot be approved. 
If orders are only partially delivered, the delivered quantity is specified on the quantity field of the dispatch or invoice. The approval status of order slips containing undelivered quantities can be changed to Cancelled if necessary. 
In order to change the status of an Approved order into the "Closed" status, the order must be delivered completely, or the status must be changed manually by the user. 
Orders on the order slips with Shipping status can be transferred into dispatches and invoices. If the dispatch line is deleted, the slip will return from "Shipping" to its previous status.