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The campaign start and end dates, conditions and other related information are recorded on the definition window accessed through the New option using the following options.

  • General Info
  • Conditions

Purchase campaign information entered in this window is as follows:

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Code: The system tracking code of the purchase campaign definition. The Code field is mandatory.  Alphanumeric characters can be used for coding. Campaigns are sorted by their codes.  Code information is the most basic information allowing the records to be used rapidly and accurately in operations such as searching, sorting, selection, grouping and reporting. The Code field is mandatory.

Description: The name or the description of the campaign. The string is 50 characters long.

The Description field is not mandatory. The same Description can be entered for separate campaigns. However, campaigns are also sorted by their descriptions. Transactions such as search, sorting, selection, grouping and reporting can also be performed according to the first ten characters of the description info.

Auxiliary Code: A secondary coding field used to group campaigns. The string is 10 characters long. Alphanumeric characters can be used for coding. The Aux. Code is used to group campaigns by company specific criteria. The Aux. Code can be used as a filter in reports. Report requirements of the company should be considered while setting Aux. Codes for effective reporting. Aux. Code definitions are recorded on the System Settings section. However, they can also be added through the Aux. Code fields on cards. The information entered in the Aux. Code field does not necessarily have to be a defined Aux. Code.

Authorization Code: Used to define detailed authorizations. Each user may be authorized to use different records depending on job definitions. The string is 10 characters long. Alphanumeric characters can be used to assign the code. Auth. Code definitions are recorded on the System Settings section. However, they can also be added through the authorization code fields on cards. Records are encrypted according to the information provided on the Auth. Code field so that only the users with the specified authorization code can access the records.

Number of Applications for AR/AP: It is specified how many times the relevant campaign can be applied for Accounts (Receivable/Payable) selected in card within date range entered in campaign card. That is to say, it is used to determine application limit for campaigns based on campaign cards and AR/AP cards. For example, if "1" is written in this field, each customer in campaign card can use the relevant campaign only once; when "3" is written, the customer can apply this campaign only for three sales/purchasing transactions; and system warns the user for forth one. When this field left empty, relevant campaign can be applied to selected AR/AP in an unlimited number.

Partially Deliverable: This field is used to specify the delivery method default of the orders to which the defined campaign is applied. When Partially Deliverable is selected, orders related to the materials to which the campaign is applied can be delivered partially. The order of the material subject to the campaign is partially transferred into the invoice. When partial delivery is selected, partial delivery is allowed even if it's linked to the product. If the partial delivery field is not checked, the delivery is performed for the whole order.

General Criteria

This section is used to record the validity dates and conditions of the campaign and the materials to which they will apply.

Start / End Dates: Indicates the campaign start and end dates. Indicates the time range in which the campaign for which the characteristics are defined will be applied to transactions. These fields are mandatory.

The most important characteristic of campaigns is that they are applied only for a certain period. The dates to be recorded on these fields of campaign definitions indicate the date range of the campaign. When campaigns are applied to transactions, the slip date of the material purchase/sales transaction is compared with the date on the campaign definition. Only the cards with compatible transaction date and campaign start and end dates are listed.

Priority Class: A Priority Class is defined in order to assure that the same promotion types are applied only once in accordance with the priority.

Order of Priority: Indicates the application order of campaigns within the same Priority Class.

AR/AP Code: The field used to specify the AR/APs or accounts to which the campaign conditions will be applied. A single AR/AP can be selected by listing the defined AR/APs, or the campaign conditions can be applied to requested AR/APs by using the *, ? and AR/AP code characters.

AR/AP Aux. Code (1-5): This field is used to specify the AR/AP records to which campaign conditions will apply by auxiliary code. The existing auxiliary codes for AR/AP records are listed. User can either select a single auxiliary code or have campaign conditions apply for the AR/AP records having the auxiliary code specified by using *, ? and characters in AR/AP auxiliary code.

AR/AP Authorization Code: This field is used to define detailed authorization on AR/AP basis. The existing authorization codes for AR/AP records are listed. User can either select a single authorization code or have campaign conditions apply for the AR/AP records having the authorization code specified by using *, ? and characters in AR/AP auxiliary code. 

Payment Plan Code: This field is used to specify the payment conditions in which the campaign will be valid. A single definition can be selected by listing the defined payment/collection plans, or the campaign conditions can be applied to requested payment plans using the “*”, “?” and the characters of the payment/collection plan code.

Payment Plan Group Code: The field used to specify the payment plan groups to which the campaign conditions will be applied. A single definition can be selected by listing the defined payment/collection plans, or the campaign conditions can be applied to requested group using the “*”, “?” and the characters of the payment/collection plan code.

Trading Group: The field used to specify the trading groups to which the campaign conditions will be applied. A single definition can be selected by listing the defined trading groups, or the campaign conditions can be applied to requested group using the “*”, “?” and the characters of the group code.

City, Town and District: The field used to specify the settlement units to which the campaign conditions will be applied.

Organizational Unit: This field is used to specify the relevant organizational units for which campaign conditions will apply. The existing organizational unit definitions are listed. User can either select a single definition, or have campaign conditions apply for the units specified by using *, ? and group code characters.

Criteria on AR/AP, payment/collection, trading group, city, town and district fields are specified as follows.

The “*” character is used to select a group of information through a filter. The * character means "any character", and can be used in the beginning, middle or end. “?” character means a single character. Examples on the usage of these characters can be found below.

* character in the beginning: If the filter value is entered as **M.001, the transaction is applied to all records that have M.001 as last four digits, regardless of the first digit.

* character in the middle: If the filter value is entered as TM*01, the transaction is applied to all records that have TM for the first two digits and 01 as the last two digits. The number of digits between the first two and last two digits is not important.

* character in the end: If the filter value is entered as TM*, the transaction is applied to all cards that have TM for the first two digits.

? character in the beginning: If the filter value is entered as ?M.001, the transaction is applied to all five digit records that have M.001 as last four digits regardless of the first digit.

? character in the middle: If the filter value is entered as TM?01, the transaction is applied to all records that have TM for the first two digits and 01 as the last two digits regardless of the middle digit.

? character in the end: If the filter value is entered as TM?, the transaction is applied to all three digit records that have TM for the first two digits.

If an application criterion is left blank, it means that the criteria is not decisive. For example, if the AR/AP code were not entered, it would mean that the campaign is applied to any AR/AP.

Campaign Conditions

The Conditions option located on the definition window is used to record frequently used variables, the campaigns to be applied and application conditions.

Variables: This field is used to record the values frequently used in formula and coefficient fields of campaign conditions as user defined variables. Up to 5 users defined variables can be defined.

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Campaign Type and Condition Information

The lines on the Campaign definition window are used to record the materials within the campaign, campaign type, and application method information.

Type: Indicates the campaign type. The conditions specified on the lines can be applied to slip or invoice bottom, or only to the transaction on the line. The options are:

  • To Bottom
  • To Line

When To Bottom is selected, the campaign conditions are applied to the slip bottom. When To Line is selected, the campaign conditions are applied to the material on the slip/invoice line.

Conditioning Material Code: The code of the material or class to which the campaign will be applied. Defined materials are listed and the appropriate definition is selected.

If conditional materials will not be used in line campaigns, the "*” sign is used.

On Point (+) type campaign lines, the Material Code that provides points is recorded on this field.

Condition: Indicates the condition on which the campaign on the line will be applied. The required condition can be recorded as a specific value, or be entered using a formula.

Formula: Indicates the calculation method of the campaign application. Standard fields are formulated using functions and variables along with logical operators and arithmetical operations. The usage of functions along with parameters is critical for the generation and application of detailed calculation systems.

Material point information on point type lines is recorded on the Formula field.

Type: The field used to specify the campaign type to be applied to the material. The options are:

  • Discount
  • Expense
  • Promotion
  • Point (+)
  • Point (-)

Material (Class) Code: The code of the Material or Material Class to which the promotion campaign is applied. In Point (-) campaigns, indicates the code of the material provided as a gift against points collected.

Variant Code: This is the variant code of the configurable material which is used in campaigns of promotion type. When material selection is made, variant info is transferred into this field automatically.

Variant Description: This is the variant description of the configurable material which is used in campaigns of promotion type. When material selection is made, variant info is transferred into this field automatically.

Unit: Indicates the unit of the material to be used in the campaign. Units included in the unit set of the material are listed and the related unit is selected. The definition containing the information regarding the campaign to be applied to purchase/sales transactions is recorded by clicking the “Save” button.

Description: The description of the campaign line.

Discount / Expense Code: This field shows the relevant sales discount which applies for the defined campaign. If "Net Discount" field is checked in the selected discount card, "Net Discount" field in the campaign card is automatically checked and it cannot be changed. If "Net Discount" field is not checked in the selected discount card, "Net Discount" field in the campaign card is automatically shown as unchecked and it cannot be checked. Accordingly, it is possible to apply net discount from campaign card's discount lines or by discount cards.

Net Discount: Net Discount is the ratio or amount that is applied to the invoice over net total. This box appears checked or unchecked depending on whether it is checked on the selected discount card. If "Net Discount" field is checked in the discount card that is selected in campaign card, the amount calculated by formula is transferred to the Net Discount Amount field in the slip automatically while the ratio is transferred to the Net Discount % field likewise. Net Discount field is also checked automatically in invoice. Afterwards, invoices are calculated over the gross discount as well.